We have to sit together to find solution to problems, PM Shehbaz tells KP CM | Maqvi News


We have to sit together to find solution to problems, PM Shehbaz tells KP CM | Maqvi News

Ali Amin Gandapur holds first meeting with PM Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad n Says his govt wants to move forward with good intentions n PM Shehbaz assures Chinese Ambassador govt to ensure implementation of initiatives under CPEC n 1,200 mobile units to provide essential items during Ramadan: PM.


ISLAMABAD  –  Prime Minister Sheh­baz Sharif Wednesday assured Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur that keeping in view the eco­nomic situation of the country, all legitimate demands of the prov­ince will be fulfilled

He said this while welcoming Khyber Pak­htunkhwa Chief Minis­ter Ali Amin Gandapur, who called on him in Islamabad Wednesday. The prime minister said all the four provinces are the federating units of the country and Paki­stan will prosper if they all work in unison.

The chief minister ap­prised the prime min­ister of administrative affairs of the province. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also said that we have to sit together and find a solution to all the problems. He said pub­lic welfare will be the top priority in all our joint endeavours.

He said the federal government believes in working harmoni­ously and strengthen­ing coordination with all the four provinces, including Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa. Ali Amin Gan­dapur also expressed his commitment that the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa wants to move forward with good intentions and is deter­mined to play its posi­tive role in the develop­ment of the country.

Also, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif empha­sised that his govern­ment would work tire­lessly to ensure timely implementation of the initiatives under the China-Pakistan Eco­nomic Corridor.

He was talking to the Ambassador of the Peo­ple’s Republic of China Jiang Zaidong who called on him in Islam­abad. The Prime Minis­ter thanked President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang for their warm messages of greetings on his re-election and assumption of office.

He reciprocated the warm sentiments ex­pressed by the Chinese leadership and lauded their contribution and commitment to the strengthen­ing of the iron-clad friendship between Pakistan and China.

The Prime Minister stressed that Pakistan is keen to move to the next phase of CPEC, in­cluding operationalisation of the Special Economic Zones to facilitate Chinese investment in Pakistan. The Prime Minister said the Special Investment Fa­cilitation Council has been cre­ated during his previous tenure to attract foreign investment in priority sectors including ag­riculture, IT, minerals and re­newable energy. He said Chi­nese companies would find many profitable opportunities in Pakistan. The Chinese Am­bassador reaffirmed that the Chinese leadership and govern­ment is looking forward to fur­ther deepening of Pakistan-Chi­na friendship.

In this regard, he reiterated the invitation extended to the Prime Minister to undertake an official visit to China at his ear­liest convenience.

While accepting the invita­tion, the Prime Minister said that he would undertake the visit at a mutually convenient date that would be worked out through diplomatic channels. 

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says Pakistan and Chi­na will lead toward shared de­velopment and prosperity with joint investments in diverse projects. In an interview with Xinhua news agency, the Prime Minister said with unity, Pa­kistan and China will achieve common goals of development and prosperity.

He said the friendship be­tween Pakistan and China spanned more than 70 years, and has been nurtured by both countries’ leadership to pro­mote friendly relations.

He added that the two coun­tries have developed as all-weather, Iron Brothers and have unique associations of friendship that have stood the test of time. He said this friend­ship now must achieve higher heights. Highlighting Chinese modernization, a key term de­fining China’s journey to reju­venation, the Prime Minister stressed that Pakistan should emulate the model.

He said the Chinese modern­ization model created growth centers and sectors that pro­duce competing products by procuring modern knowledge in science and technology.

The Prime Minister said Paki­stan should replicate this model in the country to alleviate pov­erty, provide jobs to the youth, and encourage small and medi­um entrepreneurs to kickstart businesses in villages, towns and cities in sectors of agricul­ture, industry, information tech­nology and on other platforms.

Citing Pakistan as one of the first batch of countries join­ing the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initia­tive, he said that Pakistan fully and firmly supports China-pro­posed GDI and Global Securi­ty Initiative and believes the initiatives will further create strong connections between global communities.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif commended the Chi­na-proposed Belt and Road Initiative as a very visionary initiative, which spans conti­nents and alleviates poverty and hunger in the countries, promotes investments, and boosts education and health. He said Pakistan is now ready to move toward the second phase of CPEC and will attract modern technology in infor­mation technology, industrial, and agricultural areas as China is now moving towards high-tech, higher quality produc­tion. The Prime Minister said CPEC is dovetailing with the Pa­kistan-proposed Special Invest­ment Facilitation Council, which aims to cut red tape and remove delays and inefficiencies.

He said the country is plan­ning to build industrial parks and export zones and looking forward to attracting Chinese entrepreneurs to establish joint ventures in the areas of textile, steel or other with the combina­tion of Chinese technology and Pakistan’s comparatively cheap labor. The prime minister said Pakistan is expecting to shift its transport system towards electrification to control for­eign exchange expenditures on imported fuel and to conserve wealth to build its economy.

This will be done by acquir­ing the latest technology, which is available in China and other parts of the globe.

Calling China Pakistan’s sec­ond home, Shehbaz Sharif said he looks forward to visiting it when possible as there is a tra­dition of new Pakistani leader­ship always taking great plea­sure and honor in visiting China at an opportune time.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday paid surprise visits to different Utility Stores across the feder­al capital to inspect the execu­tion of the Prime Minister’s Ra­mazan Relief Package.

During the visit, he interact­ed with the beneficiaries of the scheme and inquired whether they faced any issues while ben­efiting from the package.

He instructed the authorities concerned to ensure that enti­tled beneficiaries of the Relief Package faced no problem in availing the facility.

Speaking on the occasion, the prime minister said the feder­al government had announced a historic Ramazan Relief Pack­age worth Rs 12 billion under which eatable items would be provided to the deserving fam­ilies at subsidized rates during the holy month of Ramazan at the Utility Stores outlets across the country. Besides, he said under the package, addition­al stipend will also be given to the families registered in Bena­zir Income Support Programme (BISP). PM Shehbaz Sharif said under the federal government’s Ramazan Relief Package, Rs 77 per kg subsidy was being given on wheat flour while Rs 100 per kg subsidy was being offered on ghee besides a subsidy of 20-30% on other food items such as rice, pulses, sugar etc for the deserving families. 

He informed that under the package, the BISP beneficiaries would get additional stipend worth Rs 10,000 each, while under Kafalat programme, thousands of families from Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gil­git Baltistan and Balochistan will get additional amount of Rs 2000 each. 

The prime minister said he had appointed several teams that would pay surprise visits to various USC outlets to check the availability and quality of the food items adding that strict action would be taken against those involved in selling low quality items at the stores. 

During his visit, he expressed satisfaction over the availabili­ty of the subsidized items at the stores in sufficient quantity. 

He was of the view that the blessed month of Ramazan would bring peace, prosper­ity and development for the country.

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