PM calls for implementation of b Pak-Kuwait agreements | Maqvi News


PM calls for implementation of $10b Pak-Kuwait agreements | Maqvi News

ISLAMABAD  –  Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday called for concerted efforts from both sides to en­sure the early implemen­tation of seven agree­ments worth US$ 10 billion signed between Pakistan and Kuwait in November last year.

The bilateral ties were discussed in a meeting between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Am­bassador of the State of Kuwait to Pakistan Nas­sar Abdulrahman Jasser Almutairi who called on him here.

The prime minister noted with satisfaction that both countries had signed seven agree­ments for cooperation in diverse areas including food security, technol­ogy, hydel power, min­ing and minerals, water supply and mangrove re­habilitation, a PM Office press release said.

In this context, he em­phasized the role of the Special Investment Fa­cilitation Council (SIFC) which provided a robust and efficient mechanism to attract foreign investment into Paki­stan. He said that Pakistan at­tached great importance to its historic and deep-rooted ties with Kuwait.

He thanked the Kuwaiti lead­ership, including Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Mishal Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, for the warm wishes and felicitations on his re-elec­tion. The PM expressed the de­sire to work closely with them to further strengthen the bilat­eral relationship with a focus on trade and investment. He also extended an invitation to Amir of Kuwait to visit Pakistan at his earliest convenience.

The Kuwaiti ambassador thanked Pakistan for its support to Kuwait in difficult times.

He thanked former Prime Min­ister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif for his strong public support to Kuwait’s independence and sov­ereignty during the 1990-91 cri­sis. He also expressed gratitude for Pakistan’s support to Kuwait during the COVID-19 pandem­ic. The ambassador reaffirmed Kuwait’s strong commitment to build closer ties with Pakistan.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif appreciated Ambassador Almu­tairis’ contribution in fostering stronger ties between Pakistan and Kuwait.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday directed for submis­sion of a report regarding quick and transparent provision of re­lief to the people affected by re­cent torrential rains across the country.

He also directed the Nation­al Disaster Management Au­thority (NDMA) to accomplish a joint survey report in collab­oration with the provinces, be­sides enhancement of coopera­tion with the provinces to face the future calamities. The PM also sought an implementation report over his directive in the previous tenure regarding tech­nical improvement of NDMA, PM Office Media Wing said in a press release. The prime minis­ter was given a detailed briefing by the NDMA about the relief and rehabilitation activities in wake of recent torrential rains as well as weather forecast and preparedness.

The meeting was attended by Minister for Economic Affairs and Establishment Ahad Khan Cheema, Chairman NDMA Lt Gen. Inam Haider Malik and rel­evant senior officials. Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal attended the meeting through video link.

The meeting was apprised of the recent damages, rescue ef­forts and distribution of assis­tance amount. The NDMA with assistance of provinces; special­ly Balochistan would soon com­plete a collective verification survey over number of complete and partially damaged houses. 

Under the PM’s directive, a total of 766,000 kg dry ration would be distributed in Gwa­dar till March 24, out of which about 388,000 kg ration had been distributed so far till March 16. Moreover, 97,000 kg ration had been distributed in Quetta and Dalbadin, it was further in­formed.

The PM directed that the relief process should be completed immediately, besides ensuring transparency in its distribution. With earlier completion of joint survey, the aid should be provid­ed to the affected people only, he stressed, adding that affect­ed people from the recent rains could not be left in despair and it was among government’s top priority to support them. 

The meeting was further in­formed about the weather fore­cast during April to June and July to September in the current season and the preparedness of NMDA. The prime minister was also apprised of the relief as­sistance sent to the affectees of Gaza by the NDMA. From Octo­ber to this day, a total of 320 tons relief goods had been sent.

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