QICCA names Ibrahim Shahbik as secretary-general | Maqvi News


Sheikh Khalifa bin Jassim al-Thani, who is both chairman of the Qatar Chamber and the Qatar International Centre for Conciliation and Arbitration (QICCA), recently issued the appointment of Ibrahim Mohamed Shahbik as QICCA secretary-general.
Shahbik joined QICCA in 2015 as a legal researcher and was later promoted to assistant secretary-general in 2016. He holds a Master’s degree in International Trade Law from Hertfordshire University in the UK and a Licence in Law from Cairo University.
He has served on several committees and events, including member of the Committee of the 2015 Conference of Lawyers and Arbitrators, vice-chairman of the Committee of the Second International Arbitration Conference in 2016, and as member of the QICCA Committee.
Additionally, he has served as a representative of the chamber’s Crisis Management Committee at the National Command Centre (NCC) and a member of the Patent Grievances Committee.

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