“MAFS” 2024 Recap: Tori Pretty Much Confirms She Hates Everyone in the Experiment – POPSUGAR Australia | Maqvi News


So, the gang’s back from their homestays and they’re itching to spill on what went down at tonight’s dinner party. You know how we’ve been glued to “MAFS” for weeks now? Well, it feels like we’ve been stuck on Tori and Jack’s lack of sex life forever. Seriously, it’s been the same old story every week, and we’re all getting a bit tired of it. But hey, things might have finally changed after homestays. Can’t say the same for Jayden and Eden though — they’re still riding that rocky relationship rollercoaster.

And of course, you can bet that tonight’s dinner party is going to be full of drama – yelling, screaming, and all the works. Time to dive into this “MAFS” recap, buckle up!

Jack and Tori

Seemingly, Tori and Jack have finally taken their relationship to the next level. Or so they say.

“Jack and I did complete the homestays, we were intimate, we had sex, it was great,” Tori spills to cameras. “I feel like it’s been the talking point for the last nine weeks, it’s like a big box ticking exercise at this point.”

“It worked, she liked it. The man’s always the star of the show,” Jack chimes in. “It was nice to do it on home soil, the Gold Coast, it was really meaningful to me.” So cringe.

Rather than focusing on each other, it feels a bit like they’re more eager to share their news with the group, who’ve been raising eyebrows at their lack of intimacy.

As the couple walk into the dinner party, you could cut the awkward tension with a knife. The room goes silent as they make their entrance and grab a drink. Finally, they let the cat out of the bag, but the group doesn’t seem entirely convinced by their romantic tale.


“I feel like they’re lying,” Lauren points out. “There’s just something not right. They weren’t lovey-dovey… it’s like they’d taken a step back.”

The “MAFS” Group Calls BS

Fast forward to the dinner table, and Tori and Jack decide that it’s time to dish out their big news, as well as their plans for Tori to relocate to the Gold Coast. Jack drops a bit of a bombshell, and says he’s offered her “a room” there in a couple of months if things keep going well.

“There’s no way she wants to move to the Gold Coast. He expects her to give up everything, but he won’t give up anything,” Lauren dishes to the cameras.


Tori then opens up to the group, and says she can see herself “falling in love” with Jack. But when asked about his own feelings for Tori, his response is a bit lukewarm: “I’m having a good time… I’ve got a lot of love for Tori.”

Lauren seizes the moment to question them both about Jack’s sketchy past behaviours and Tori’s tendency to let things slide.

“You are fiery, but we’ve never seen you fiery at him [Jack],” she points out. “When Jack does thing after thing… you seem to not have any issue with it. Are you just blindly loyal to your man?”

Things escalate quickly as Timothy throws accusations at the pair, claiming their sex life is all a sham. Tori reaches her breaking point. She demands the group to “trust what she’s doing” before dropping one last bombshell.


“I’m going to be f**king real with you all… [There’s] no one at this table I would want to spend time with after this experiment,” Tori declares.

Lauren, especially, is deeply hurt.

“I just can’t believe she would say something that cruel,” Lauren confesses.

The Eden and Jayden Saga Continues

Since the last commitment ceremony, this couple’s been on a bit of a downward spiral. And homestays? Well, let’s just say it didn’t exactly sprinkle any fairy dust on their situation. While everyone else is gearing up for the cocktail party, Eden and Jayden are MIA, caught up in a heated spat about homestays and Eden’s jitters about facing the group’s interrogation about their relationship. Poor Eden’s basically terrified this argument’s gonna explode into another showdown at the dinner table.

“The way that I’ve been and I’ve felt is clear that I can’t handle this. These events give me such anxiety that it’s really not worth doing it for me anymore,” she tells Jayden.

Eden’s really stressing about having to field questions from the group and she’s hoping Jayden won’t air their dirty laundry in front of everyone.


“It’s an experiment, I’m very open with my feelings, I don’t mind talking about things but I feel like I can’t ‘cause you don’t like it,” Jayden tells Eden.

Eden confesses she’s “too scared” to go and worries she’ll just “ruin their relationship” if she shows up.

Eden finally caves and agrees to go to the dinner party, but you can tell she’s not exactly thrilled about it. All night, she’s dodging any questions about their Homestays until Jonathan decides to put her on the spot. Poor thing looks like she’s about to be sick, and then Jayden steps in and asks if she wants to bail. It gets super awkward, because they just get up and sneak off to another room without saying a word to anyone at the table.

In the room, Eden and Jayden are going back and forth about how Eden’s feeling overwhelmed by the whole experiment. Then, Eden starts nodding along with whatever Jayden says, just to avoid any more drama, and they end up going around in circles.


“I feel like I can’t win, I’m in a lose-lose. And at this point I think I’d rather just shut down, ‘cause I really like Jayden and I don’t want to lose him,” Eden spills to the cameras. “So, I’m happy to just cop the things that I do wrong and not be able to say anything so that I can have him, I guess.”

As the experts watch on, they all agree it’s a conflict style they really need to tackle when they’re back on the couch at the next commitment ceremony. Will Jayden and Eden make it to the end of “MAFS”? Only time will tell.

For more drama, check out all our “MAFS” 2024 recaps here.

“MAFS” airs Sunday at 7.00pm and Monday  Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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