Georgia judge dismisses 6 charges against Donald Trump | Maqvi News


Dropped charges are about whether Donald Trump and his aides pushed officials to break their promises and help them win the election

Former US President Donald Trump. — AFP File
Former US President Donald Trump. — AFP File 

Former US President Donald Trump and his friends have got relief from the Georgia court as it has dismissed six out of 41 charges against them in a case relating to the 2020 election results in the southeastern state.

However, the former president still has to deal with 10 other charges. The dropped charges are about whether Donald Trump and his aides pushed officials to break their promises and help them win the election.

The judge, Scott McAfee, said the dropped charges didn’t have enough details to move forward. He thinks they need more info to understand what the accused did wrong, according to a court document released on Wednesday.

“As written, these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes but fail to allege sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission,” McAfee wrote.

“They do not give the Defendants enough information to prepare their defences intelligently, as the Defendants could have violated the Constitutions and thus the statute in dozens, if not hundreds, of distinct ways.”

However, Trump has the most serious charge of racketeering still intact.

One of the charges that got thrown out was about a phone call Trump made to Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. In the call, Trump wanted Raffensperger to change the election results in his favour. But Raffensperger didn’t agree. Joe Biden won Georgia, and that helped him become president.

Trump insisted that the election was stolen from him.

The dropped charges also involve Trump’s friends, like Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows. They are accused of pressuring people in Georgia to do things to help Donald Trump win.

However, now Donald Trump has more trouble besides Georgia. He is facing other legal problems, including one about hush-money payments and another about his actions during the Capitol attack. 

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