SNOW NOTES: There’s powder literally everywhere. | Maqvi News


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I skied at Lake Louise this past weekend with my brother-in-law, and let me tell you, it was spectacular. Spent much of the afternoon in the West Bowl, where we were skiing legitimately untracked powder runs, although there were plenty of those in other areas of the resort, too. It’s been a while since I had as much fun skiing Rock Garden.

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That’s all thanks to some truly awesome snowfall that’s hit the region over the last two weeks. It’s been transformative, and the 47 cm that hit Lake Louise in the last week brought the season total to 442 cm.

On Friday, the Banff National Park resort will be playing host to the Big Mountain Challenge. Because it’s non-sanctioned, the freeride competition tends to be pretty laid-back, but that shouldn’t fool anybody. The skiers and riders who rip down some of Lake Louise’s most treacherous terrain are there to go big.

X: @SkiLouise


When it rains, it pours. But when it snows, well, the more the better, right? That’s certainly been the story at Sunshine Village for the last week or two. The end of February brought heavy snowfall to the Banff mountain and then the last week saw 54 cm hit the slopes. That brought the season total to 404 cm, and it’s a legitimate winter wonderland out there.

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Saturday’s an important day at Sunshine, too, as it’s Avalanche Awareness Day. There will be tonnes of opportunities to learn more about avalanche safety and make sure you’re ready for your next big backcountry adventure.

X: @SunshineVillage


The Backyard Rail Jam is back on Sunday. The annual event goes from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and whether you’re a skier or a rider, it’s a friendly competition that takes place under the stars and offers prizes for grabs, progression and exceptional performances in all sorts of categories.

And it’s also our pleasure to inform you that conditions at Norquay are pretty much incredible right now. How incredible? I mean, 63 cm of snowfall in the past seven days is pretty much amazing, right? And all that snow brought the season total to 329 cm.

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X: @MtNorquay


With all this snow and the temperatures rising around Calgary, it’s the perfect time to get back outside and have some fun. If you happen to be the type of person who isn’t all that interested in skiing or snowboard, well, I’d first of all question why you’ve read this far into our Snow Scene notes. But I don’t judge.

Secondly, I’d suggest checking out the Servus Tube Park at WinSport, which features some of the longest lanes in Western Canada. And from now until the end of the winter season, tickets are $25.

X: @WinsportCanada


Excuse us if we’re getting a little repetitive here, but when Western Canada sees as much snowfall as it has over the past little while, it’s kind of our job to get really, really hyped up about it.

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And how can you not be excited about the refresh that Nakiska’s gotten recently. In the last week, the Kananaskis resort got blasted by new snow and the 49 cm that fell has made it feel like a whole new ski and snowboard area. The season total is now 285 cm, so anyone looking to bounce out quickly for a day on the slopes knows where to go.

X: @SkiNakiska


Last week, Castle Mountain was hit with 80 cm of snow and we jumped up and down and tried to let people know how amazing conditions were at the Southern Alberta resort.

Little did we know that this week, Castle was going to get an even bigger powder dump. No joke, we’re talking about 83 cm in seven days. That’s 163 cm in two weeks and 554 cm this season.

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Sometimes, you’ve just gotta throw your hands up and thank the snow gods for blessing us all with these sorts of conditions.

On Saturday, Castle will also be hosting the Tom Tataryn World’s Longest Slalom Race, which will have racers skiing from near the top of the resort’s lift area and going all the way down 2,800 vertical feet to the base.

X: @SkiCastle 


Let’s start with the snow, because the snow is great. Conditions are Panorama are legitimately sick right now, with 46 cm of fresh powder blanketing the Invermere, B.C. resort in the past week and the season total sitting at 312 cm.

Panorama also has some major events coming up between now and the end of the season, and none bigger than their first-ever Pride & Ski Festival, which goes from March 22-24 and features everything from guided snowshoe tours to an amazing race to lots and lots of après fun.

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X: @Panoramaresort


My good friend Al Charest takes most of the pictures for Snow Scene, and he spent the last couple days down at Fernie. His review? “It’s been incredible.”

That’s all I need to know.

But even if Al hadn’t reached out to let me know what an amazing week he was having, I probably could have figured out that life is pretty much perfect at Fernie these days.

I mean, sometimes the numbers speak for themselves.

Fernie got absolutely blasted by 118 cm (!!!) of fresh snow in the last week. The season total is 695 cm.

That’s wild, folks. Wild.

There’s a busy weekend ahead, too, with a Kinky Rail Jam on Saturday, as well as Elle Board, which is a gathering of women and gender diverse snowboarders that “encourages, inspires and shines a light on how much fun can be had on a snowboard in a supportive group dynamic.”

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X: @SkiFernie


If you’ve gotten this far into Snow Notes and are expecting a twist ending where we reveal that actually, no, Kicking Horse didn’t get a lot of snow, well … we’re gonna disappoint you because Kicking Horse did get a lot of snow this week. Just like last week, actually.

The Golden, B.C. resort got slammed by another 63 cm over the past seven days and the season total is now 500 cm. I’ll be there Saturday, and I can’t wait.

On March 16, Kicking Horse will be hosting its latest Taste of Terroir Dinner Series event. This time, it’s Grapes and Grains, which will feature smaller bites by the resort’s kitchen team. And it’s at the Eagle’s Eye Restaurant, so you know the ambience will be incredible.

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X: @KickingHorseMTN


I’ll be honest with you, sometimes it feels anticlimactic when I get to writing about Revelstoke and just have to write the same thing every single week. You want to be the type of person who has the capacity to surprise people, but at Revelstoke, it’s just sort of a guarantee that there’s going to be a lot of snow every week.

On the other hand, powder is awesome and Revelstoke has so, so much powder these days. So maybe this isn’t so anticlimactic, after all. Revvy got blasted by 46 cm this week and the season total is now 729 cm.

X: @revelstokemtn

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