In major achievement, Pakistan joins top global potato producers’ club | Maqvi News


Pakistan’s potato production has increased to over eight million tonnes; country ranks ninth on the list

Farmers harvesting potatoes in a field next to an e-facility centre (back) in the village of Gulmit, Hunza Valley, in northern Pakistan. — AFP/File
Farmers harvesting potatoes in a field next to an e-facility centre (back) in the village of Gulmit, Hunza Valley, in northern Pakistan. — AFP/File 
  • Surge due to improved farming practices, say farmers. 
  • Pakistan ranks ninth in world in potato output.
  • Production sees jump by over 35% in last 3 years.

LAHORE: Pakistan has achieved a milestone by joining the list of top 10 global potato producers, with an increase in production to over eight million tonnes, The News reported Wednesday. 

According to officials and farmers, the surge in potato production is attributed to areas under cultivation and improved farming practices.

The country, which ranks ninth in the world in potato output, has seen its production jump by more than 35% in the last three years, from 5.87 million tonnes in 2020-21 to an estimated 8.01 million tonnes in 2022-23.

As the potato harvest inches closer to the end of the ongoing season, it is estimated that the country has been on course to harvest yet another bumper crop of as high as over eight million tonnes.

The surging output of potatoes has placed Pakistan among the top producers of the vegetable. 

In the year 2022, China topped potato production by harvesting 95.6 million tonnes, India placed second with 56.1 million tonnes output, Ukraine was third with 20.9 million tonnes, Russia was in fourth place with 18.9 million tonnes, the USA was at fifth position with 17.8 million tonnes, followed by Germany at sixth place (10.6 million tonnes), while Bangladesh was at seventh position by producing 10.1 million tonnes, France was at eighth place with 8 million tonnes output, Pakistan was at ninth position with 7.79 million tonnes and the Netherlands was at tenth place with 6.9 million tonnes production.

According to official data, in 2022-23, potatoes occupied an area of almost 0.330 million hectares with total production of 7.94 million tonnes. In the year 2021-22, potato production was reported at 7.79 million tonnes from an area of 0.304 million hectares. This production level reflects an increase of 1.9% over last year and 31.8% over the target.

Potato has emerged as one of the high-yielding cash food crops in Pakistan after wheat, rice and maize. During the past decade, it has gained economic importance in the country and there is a rapid increase in cropping area. 

In the year 2018-19, the area under potato cultivation was 196,200 hectares with a total production of 4.57 million tonnes.

Three crops of potatoes are grown in the country with an average yield of 23 tonnes per hectare which is very low as compared to the world standards. 

The progressive farmers within the country have succeeded in getting double the average yield. It means an increase in per hectare yield is very much possible provided the department concerned focuses on the untapped potential of harvesting a good crop from the same area under cultivation.

Over 95% of the crop comes from the Punjab province where farmers opt for its cultivation fervently. The core area within the province produces about 80% of total production. Likewise, the production of cotton in the province expanded by 43% during the 2020-21 to 2022-23 period which is primarily based on an increase in area under cultivation which showed growth of 48% during the same period.

Maqsood Ahmad Jutt, president of the Potato Growers Association, termed the increase in potato production a milestone in the agriculture sector. 

The potato sub-sector has been a success story both for the producer and the consumers, he said, adding the commodity has consistently been performing well in external trade.

It is pertinent to mention here that from 2015 to 2019, Pakistan showed an increase of more than 33% in export quantity. Unfortunately, during the same period, the country registered a decrease of more than 6% in value. 

On average, Pakistan exports around 516,000 tonnes of fresh and or chilled potatoes for an average value of $103,000. However, Pakistan registered an annual growth rate of 3% during the same period with a unit value of $185. 

Pakistan has an export share of 3% in the world’s potato fresh and or chilled potatoes sector. The country’s top five export destinations include Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, the UAE, the Russian Federation, and Qatar.

From 2015 to 2019, Pakistan showed an increase of more than 33% in export quantity. Unfortunately, during the same period, Pakistan registered a decrease of more than 6% in value. On average, Pakistan exported around 516,000 tonnes of fresh and or chilled potatoes for an average value of $103,000. 

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