QICDRC and HBKU’s College of Law enhance partnership with second MoU | Maqvi News


QICDRC and HBKU's College of Law enter into a second MoU.

QICDRC and HBKU’s College of Law enter into a second MoU.

The Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre (QICDRC) and the College of Law at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) have signed a second memorandum of understanding (MoU).
This partnership facilitates opportunities for collaborative workshops, conferences, and lectures, demonstrating their ongoing commitment to strengthening Qatar’s legal environment in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030. Furthermore, QICDRC is introducing annual awards for top law students at HBKU.
These awards highlight academic success in HBKU’s Law School. They feature the “QICDRC Chairman’s Prize” which will recognise excellence in the area of dispute resolution, and the “Lord Thomas Prize,” which is awarded to the top performing student in the early years of the Juris Doctor (JD) programme, as well as for the student who graduates first in their class across the degree course. This award is named after the current president of the Qatar International Court.
The “QICDRC Chairman’s Prize” stand out as it is given to the best all-around graduating student, chosen by the law faculty. This prize celebrates both academic success and broader contributions to the field of law. These awards underline QICDRC’s commitment to encouraging the next wave of legal talent. Awarded annually, they mark both a celebration of achievement and a motivation for ongoing academic success.
“This partnership signifies a crucial juncture in our endeavours to improve legal services and conflict resolution mechanisms in Qatar. I was honoured to participate in this dialogue regarding QICDRC’s pivotal role in arbitration,” said the Qatar International Court president.
The MoU signing coincided with the panel discussion titled Courts and Arbitration: The Role of the Qatar International Court and Dispute Resolution Centre. Panellists included William Blair, and Susan L. Karamanian, Dean of HBKU’s College of Law.
The discussion was co-sponsored by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA), which is part of the Center for American and International Law (CAIL). Founded in 1986, ITA aims to educate business executives, government officials and lawyers about arbitration as a means of resolving transnational business disputes and to promote global adherence to the world’s principal arbitration treaties.
Faisal Rashid al-Sahouti, chief executive officer of the Qatar International Court said this MoU is a testament to its ongoing commitment to collaborate closely with our local institutions in nurturing the next generation of lawyers.
“This MoU represents a significant step toward fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange between academia and the legal sector. By partnering with QICDRC, we aim to cultivate a new generation of legal professionals equipped with the skills and expertise to address the evolving needs of Qatar’s legal landscape and contribute to the country’s sustainable development,” said Karamanian.

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