Private lunar lander sends back first pics from its moon landing | Maqvi News


A privately built spacecraft on the moon has beamed back new photos from the lunar surface, showing the vehicle’s much-celebrated descent and the moments immediately after touchdown when it tipped over on its side.

The Odysseus lander, built by Houston-based Intuitive Machines, landed on the moon on Feb. 22, making history as the first commercial craft to reach the lunar surface and the first U.S. spacecraft on the moon in more than 50 years.

The Odysseus lunar lander takes picture after falling sideways
The Odysseus lunar lander captured this image about 35 seconds after it pitched over during its approach to the landing site.Intuitive Machines via AP

The following day, Intuitive Machines said Odysseus had pitched over when it touched down near a crater called Malapert A, close to the moon’s south pole. Company officials said the 14-foot-tall lander was operational but that some of the spacecraft’s antennas were pointing at the ground, limiting its ability to communicate with flight controllers back on Earth.

In an update Monday, Intuitive Machines said it continues to be in contact with the spacecraft, adding that flight controllers “intend to collect data until the lander’s solar panels are no longer exposed to light.”

Company officials said that based on the positions of Earth and the moon, they expect to be able to communicate with Odysseus until Tuesday morning. The lander was initially expected to spend about a week collecting data on the moon before lunar night sets in and the probe loses power.

On Tuesday, Intuitive Machines said flight controllers were still communicating with Odysseus and that the lander was relaying science data and images back to Earth. The company estimated that the spacecraft may have an addition 10 to 20 hours of battery life left.

In its latest update, the company also released several new images of the spacecraft on its final descent, roughly 100 feet above the lunar surface. At the time, the lander had slowed itself by more than 24,000 mph, company officials said on X.

On Monday, the company said Odysseus’ instruments detected nine safe landing sites within its targeted zone near the moon’s south pole. The moon’s south polar region has long intrigued scientists because water ice is thought to be relatively abundant in permanently shadowed craters.

Newly released images captured by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed Odysseus’ location on the moon, showing its location near the south pole.

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