WATCH: Pakistan Army, Saudi forces ‘on job training’ culminates in Multan | Maqvi News


Training, conducted from January 15 to February 26, aimed at benefiting from each other’s experiences, says ISPR

The closing ceremony of “On Job Training of Royal Saudi Land Forces with Pakistan Army” was held in Multan, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement on Tuesday.

The training was conducted from January 15 to February 26 to foster joint employment and benefit from each other’s experiences, while further consolidating longstanding fraternal relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the communique added.

The military’s media wing said training, which encompassed conventional as well as sub-conventional operations, culminated with field manoeuver and battle inoculation exercises employing air and ground forces.

The commander Multan Corps witnessed the exercise as Chief Guesta and expressed satisfaction over mutual understanding and the training standards achieved.

Earlier this month, a joint exercise by the Pakistan Army and the Royal Saudi Land Force was held in Muzaffargarh, officials said.

The training exercise provided a unique means to the Pakistan Army and the Royal Saudi Land Force to align their forces, exchange expertise and enhance military capabilities through experimentation. 

Both the forces actively participated in training and enjoyed it with grace and high spirit. Combined Battle PT, Small Scale Operations, Room Clearance, Close Marksmanship, Firing and Rappelling as well as other advanced exercises were conducted, according to the officials. 

Cobra helicopters participated in the exercise, creating a war-like atmosphere. Both forces underwent intensive training to master helicopter mounting and dismounting in the context of terrorism.

The exercise aimed at reducing the incidence of terrorism in the region and prove to be a positive step towards bringing peace, the officials said.

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