Teens use HIV prevention meds way more if they get these simple interventions | Maqvi News


Teens and young adults often don’t use HIV-prevention medications known as PrEP, even when they could benefit from these drugs. But a few simple strategies, including telehealth coaching appointments and automated text messages, can dramatically boost usage in this group, a new study finds.

The nearly 900 young people in the trial were split into four groups, with one group getting only text messages, two receiving texts and one additional intervention each, and a final group getting a trio of interventions. This last group — who received text messages, coaching and access to an online support group of peers — doubled their use of PrEP, from 10% to 20%. If mirrored nationally, this rate would bring young people’s PrEP coverage more in line with that of U.S. adults indicated for the medications.

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