Donald Trump fan turns ‘Maga’ merchandise into 24-carat gold art worth ,000 | Maqvi News


It took Trump fan two years to make the artwork before displaying at Conservative Political Action Conference

Donald Trump giving out Make America Great Again, (Maga) hats at a rally. — AFP/File
Donald Trump giving out “Make America Great Again,” (Maga) hats at a rally. — AFP/File

A Donald Trump supporter displayed his 24-carat gold-plated Trump artwork worth $15,000 at a grassroots Republican rally in Washington DC over the weekend, The Sun (US) reported.

Jeff Hamilton, who goes by the artist name Xbala, showed off his 3D-printed hat, emblazoned with the slogan “Make America Great Again,” (Maga) at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) – a gathering place for the former US president’s diehard supporters.

While sharing the two-year story behind the bizarre memento, Hamilton said: “The story is ‘Make America Great Again. The hat is here to spread that message.”

Jeff Hamiltons 24-carat gold-plated Make America Great Again, (Maga) hat. — Meme Ranch
Jeff Hamilton’s 24-carat gold-plated “Make America Great Again,” (Maga) hat. — Meme Ranch

He explained how the gaudy headwear was made from 24-carat gold over bronze.

“The idea is to spread the ‘Make America Great Again,’ message and to bring it into a classic art form,” he added.

Describing the two-year process of making the hat, he said: “Take a real Maga hat, scan it, 3D print it, put it into a wax mould process and cast it into bronze. Then we surfaced it in 24-karat gold.”

Trump had signed the hat in San Diego, California in 2015 before entering the White House. It was among the many Trump memorabilia on display at CPAC, where Maga swag was available for purchase.

Among the items spotted were Trump-branded cigars, MAGA hats with Trump’s famous blond hair spreading out in a wig from the bag, and “Woke Tears Water” bottles.

Last week, Trump’s former Chief of Staff Steve Bannon declared Maga could “rule for 50 years” in a fiery speech to supporters.

Speaking to his “revolutionaries,” as he described his fans, he also said that Trump would go down as “America’s most successful president since Abraham Lincoln.”

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