Letters to the Editor, Feb. 25, 2024: ‘Mayor playing the victim’ | Maqvi News


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Nasty notes

Re: Blowback has taken a sexist tone. So, in the face of criticism and a recall petition, our mayor dusts off the old lefty playbook and is making herself out to be a victim. I am sure many of the comments are harsh and not acceptable in today’s world of recreational outrage. However, if she actually parked her ego and personal agenda and just did her job, she would not be in this mess. As for the comments, whatever happened to that saying about sticks and stones?

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(We don’t doubt she’s had to deal with some pretty inexcusable comments directed her way. That doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be held to account.)

Don’t forget seniors

Our city council plans to spend the big bucks to get emissions to net-zero by 2050. Well, why don’t we all jump on the “climate change” bandwagon and everybody will be broke. Come on, guys: The roads are heaved and potholed, parks and rec are a mess, police and fire halls need maintenance badly, and transit needs overhauling. Apologies to staff and patrons if I missed anyone. With property taxes increasing every year, us struggling seniors just can’t keep up. Which level of government will chip in to support us?


(Our seniors often get overlooked.)

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Pierre has my vote

Re: “Poilievre sounds off on trans issues” (The Canadian Press, Feb. 22): Two thumbs up to Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre for sticking with his beliefs on transgender issues. Finally a politician who won’t do or say anything to get a few votes. I might not agree with everything he says but he has got my vote for sticking with his values and being honest, unlike our current prime minster and his buddy Singh. Canada is broken and only a change in leadership can fix it!

Guelph, Ont.

(Poilievre was stating the obvious and something a vast majority of Canadians believe. The left has lost their collective minds)

Right side of the issue

Re: “Poilievre sounds off on trans issues” (The Canadian Press, Feb. 22): As a right-wing Conservative, I give the federal leader of the Opposition in Ottawa a mighty two thumbs up on taking a stand on this controversial issue facing our nation of Canada today.

Three Hills, Alta.

(His position was clear)

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