Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Tuesday, February 13, 2024 | Maqvi News


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One of the ways to reduce the number of car thefts is to return to a regular key and discontinue the key fob. The key fob reproduces as quickly and easily as Nick Cannon. This isn’t even going to be considered because the consumer is usually forced to buy another car after their original vehicle was stolen. That means the car manufacturers make more money along with the government in taxes, so Premier Doug Ford’s tough guy speech the other day is really just smoke and mirrors.

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Dave Watson

(The car theft epidemic the country is facing is unprecedented. Even though we commend much of our law enforcement for shutting down these car-theft rings, too many spring up to replace them. Manufacturers are going to have to do their part)

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Automakers claim that, even with new security features, they cannot keep up with surge in car thefts. Easy solution: Mandatory 10-year prison sentence for auto theft. I guarantee results.

M. Benson

(It’s a start)


There are too many people walking the streets, whether they are drug addicts or mentally unstable, who can harm you or your family. Just ask Trudeau because the same person accused of threatening to kill him just allegedly threatened to do the same thing to Conservative MP Eric Duncan (“Cornwall man accused of threatening to kill PM, MP was released from custody on Feb. 1,” Postmedia News, Feb. 9). We need to open the mental institutions back up to get these people off the streets to protect our families.

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W. Johnson

(Something needs to be done as the current system cannot handle the situation)


The Canadian Taxpayers Federation recently obtained government records that indicated that the Trudeau government billed taxpayers $485,000 for a Liberal cabinet retreat in Charlottetown, P.E.I., from Aug. 21-23, 2023. While many Canadians struggle to buy groceries and pay for housing, the Trudeau Liberals possess the audacity to squander almost half a million dollars to wine and dine at a luxury location, billing taxpayers for their opulence. That the purpose of this luxurious gathering was to discuss the affordability and housing challenges of average Canadians, assuredly adds insult to injury. The arrogance and sense of entitlement of these greedy Liberal MPs is utterly repugnant. Canadians should be outraged and disgusted with this collection of greedy parasites, and demand that the Trudeau Liberals fully reimburse taxpayers, with interest.

Harley Whitlock

(The only way taxpayers are going to get their money back is by tossing the Trudeau Liberals after the next federal election)

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