Actor Ranveer Singh invests in wearable brand Boat | Maqvi News


Actor Ranveer Singh has invested an undisclosed amount in India’s largest wearable brand Boat and will also be its brand ambassador.

Actor Ranveer Singh invests in wearable brand Boat – Boat

With this partnership, Boat aims to strengthen its connect with Gen Z and millennial audience to further fuel its growth trajectory across India.

Commenting on the partnership, Aman Gupta, co-founder of Boat in a statement said, “Ranveer’s infectious energy and passion for music resonate perfectly with Boat’s core values. His investment and strategic involvement validate our mission to revolutionize the audio experience in India. Together, we’ll push boundaries, redefine sound, and create a community that thrives on passion and innovation.”

Ranveer Singh added, “Boat’s commitment to best-in-class sound and youth connect resonates deeply with me. Investing in their journey is more than just a financial decision; it’s about co-creating a revolution.”

Ranveer Singh will begin his association with the brand by featuring in Boat’s upcoming 360-degree campaign for the ‘Nirvana’ series.

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