GCC secretary-general visits GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre | Maqvi News


GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre chairman Saleh bin Hamad al-Sharqi (right) along with Dr Kamal al-Hamad, secretary-general, received GCC secretary-general Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi at the centre's headquarters in Bahrain.

GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre chairman Saleh bin Hamad al-Sharqi (right) along with Dr Kamal al-Hamad, secretary-general, received GCC secretary-general Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi at the centre’s headquarters in Bahrain.

GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre chairman Saleh bin Hamad al-Sharqi along with Dr Kamal al-Hamad, secretary-general received GCC secretary-general Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi during his visit to the centre’s headquarters in Bahrain.
GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre leadership extended a warm welcome to Albudaiwi, expressing their pride in the pivotal role played by the GCC General Secretariat.
They acknowledged the organisation’s efforts in fostering co-operation and integration among the GCC countries across various productive and service sectors.
This collaborative approach aims to strengthen the foundations of joint Gulf economic structures, facilitate trade and investment exchanges with the global community, boost investment opportunities, broaden the export markets of GCC countries, and enhance their overall competitiveness.
During the visit, they showcased the significant role of the GCC Commercial Arbitration Centre in establishing a regulatory and appealing investment environment within the GCC countries. They also discussed the centre’s swift provision of professional services for dispute resolution and the promotion of an arbitration culture.
Al-Sharqi emphasised the centre’s commitment to engaging in productive discussions with relevant authorities. The goal is to strengthen co-ordination and co-operation in both strategic and operational aspects, focusing on the advancement of commercial arbitration.
This includes exploring institutional options for resolving commercial disputes in the Gulf countries and supporting the investment climate, economic growth, and prosperity in the region.

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