Muslim Kids TV – Review


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This post is sponsored by Muslim Kids TV. All opinion are my own.

Are you worried about your children’s screen time? We are reviewing Muslim Kids TV today and I feel it may actually be our solution to making screen time safe and enjoyable for our children. InshaAllah! Read on…

Safe and halal digital entertainment for children Muslim Kids TV Review Jeddah Mom

I have three children – a 15 year old boy and two girls 10 and 9 years old. We love educational websites and e-learning resources, but my #1 struggle with digital education or entertainment is to keep my children safe online.

Like most parents, who know the struggle, I want to have somewhat of a control on what my kids are viewing and doing online. When I saw Muslim Kids TV and all the content they have on there, plus what all it can do, I am mind blown. 

Why? Well… for good reason. It is like a bridge between what I want and what my kids want! Muslim Kids TV has everything a child needs for their overall education in it. They have Halal content, and they provide a one-stop solution to keeping kids safe and entertained.

Safe internet for kids MKTV Review JeddahMom

About Muslim Kids TV

MKTV is an Islamic kids entertainment app that has books, videos, Quran, Arabic, STEM and various educational resources, but also Live TV – all streamed from one app. You can watch it on your computer or download it to your phone, tablet or any smart TV.

They are a Muslim values-based entertainment and education platform for children and have over 15,000 resources including the largest collection of Islamic videos, games, and eBooks. Their main focus is to make learning an enjoyable aspect of a child’s life – to get the young generations closer to the religion in a way that appeals to their senses.

Muslim Kids TV has STEM education, Quran, Games, Arabic, English and everything all so beautifully blended in. It has games and ebooks that are not just Islamic and Muslim content. It is like the whole internet curated for your kids! It is everything mommy and daddy will approve of!

15000 Resources MKTV Review JeddahMom

For what age is the Muslim Kids TV app suitable?

For all ages actually. There is something for everyone…. even teenagers and their parents!

What sets Muslim kids TV apart is their vision. They strive to provide a safe environment for not just younger kids but also the adults. They have some movies ( Super Hijabi, Bilal Ibn Rabah) which are popular with adults as well. The Seerah and historical series are watched by tweens and teens.

They also have a regularly updated blog that helps parents in raising Muslim children. They are being recognized by schools in the US and Canada and have become part of the students’ lessons and the teachers and students are benefitting from it. MashaAllah!

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What we love about Muslim Kids TV

I felt that Muslim Kids TV understood the screen time problem parents are facing today.

We are raising our children in a technology loving world. Pre-pandemic, we may have had some control over our children’s screen time but now, all the rules are out of the window. We all agree that kids are getting too much screen time, but we are also aware that this is the new norm.

1. It has Live -TV

Screens are here to stay. The only solution is responsible screen time. I am a strong believer that the internet should never be banned for children. But at the same time, I know that there are scary, shameful and unsuitable things for our children out there. Kids want to watch TV, they need those digital resources; they want to play games and explore online.

Live TV MKTV Review JeddahMom

 Kids use YouTube for creative ideas and new techniques to look cool in front of their friends. But you cannot control the ads and there is no way to control what they will watch next.

MKTV has Live-TV built-in. Whether you have tots or tweens, there is always something age appropriate playing!

2. It has over 15,000 resources!

There is a lot of good on the internet, but we cannot be curating content for our children all the time. Who has time for all that..?!

Safe and halal online games for children Muslim Kids TV Review Jeddah Mom

This is where Muslim Kids TV can be your best friend! Whether you have young preschoolers who are using the internet for “edutainment ” purposes, or you have school aged children learning about not just religion but in general how the world works – Muslim Kids TV has so many resources that your child will never think about YouTube or other sites!

3. Muslim Kids TV have so many different types of games

Like me, I know that most of us parents with big kids are fed up with gaming, YouTube, ads and curating content for our kids. The internet may have some awesome things but there are also awful things out there.

We cannot be setting up ” parental control” on their devices all the time. Something always seeps through! We need peace of mind.

entertaining Games MKTV Review JeddahMom

Also, it is hard to make a little child understand haram and halal when their friends are all playing those same games. We want to know how to NOT ruin our  kids’ lives by putting in place all these restrictions! Honestly, It is every parent’s biggest fear to be labeled a “terrible parent” by their kids… 😐 

At such a point, wouldn’t it be helpful if you had a halal version or at least a similar game with a learning or teaching moment? Well, MKTV has games and videos like this!


Featured above is Time Hoppers – a game which was built in order to provide an alternative to trending games like ‘Call of Duty, Fortnite, Roblox, Poptropica, etc’ , once again an effort to provide a safe and educational environment for our little Muslim children.

4. MKTV has the best, most elaborate Islamic content for children!

Then there is the fact that Deen-knowledge and Duniya-knowledge should not be two things. We shouldn’t be separating Islamic education and mainstream education. There shouldn’t be a high wall between the two.

Deen and Duniya education ebooks Muslim Kids TV Review Jeddah Mom

I love how on Muslim Kids TV , children can watch Arabic, Quran, Muslim manners, Islamic history, Ramadan and Hajj alongside English, Math, Science Languages and Art. They can be playing games and watching TV that is not religious education all the time.

5. Muslim Kids TV has resources in different languages too.

I was really happy that they understand the need for multilingual content. We Muslims come from every culture and speak so many languages.

Another thing I loved about this app is how there are so many diverse characters. They also have some videos , shows and ebooks in different languages like Arabic, Turkish, Bahasa and French.

multilingual shows MKTV Review JeddahMom

6. A fantastic support for children learning Quran and Arabic!

Learning Arabic and Quran is part of a Muslim child’s upbringing. MKTV has so many lessons in the form of videos, ebooks and shows that teach the Quran and Arabic .

Arabic learning MKTV Review JeddahMom

The best part is that these videos and shows teach children Quran and Arabic in so many different ways. What’s more: your child is learning the Quran and Arabic through play!

7. A support for Quran reading and memorization.

I was really happy to see that along with the many games and videos on teaching Arabic and Quran, there is also a separate section where children can read and memorize the Quran.


As a mother of children who are doing Hifz, I absolutely loved this feature. Kids can select the Surah, ayah, number of times to repeat and they have a choice between the voice of two different Sheikhs. My daughters love it!

8. Muslim Kids TV has STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math)

MKTV knows your children love creativity! My children were absolutely delighted to see that there are halal Science and Art videos along with all the Islamic content! If you have ever been a fan of a show only to realize the art they are making was celebrating some other culture, you know the pain!

science shows MKTV Review JeddahMom

Well… no more pain! There are fun science and art videos, ebooks and games for your little scientists and artists.

9. Muslim Kids TV is a treasure for Homeschooling families!

When I was going through all the educational content for kids and support for parents that MKTV provides, I just couldn’t help but appreciate how valuable all this information is for homeschooling.

Reading and languages Muslim Kids TV Review Jeddah Mom

I mean not just the Arabic, Islamic History, Muslim manners and Quran but also the Science, Social Studies, Health and Literature fun in there! It is like they’ve done all the hard work of curating the best engaging content for your children.

There are lessons, shows, videos, games and printables from early learners to middle school stuff!

10. MKTV has the largest collection of Printables in an app!

One thing I was absolutely mind blown to see was the Printable section.

Printables Muslim Kids TV Review Jeddah Mom

They have printables of all kinds! Whether you have a toddler or a teenager, there is something every age can enjoy!

11. Lots of resources for preschoolers and early learners

There are so many resources for teaching preschoolers and early learners . If you have a 4-6 year old you must know how necessary it is that we have all sorts of information for them.

multilingual books for preschoolers MKTV Review JeddahMom

Muslim Kids TV has not just Arabic and Quran but English, Maths, Health Sciences, World Geography and more. What’s more exciting is that some stuff is in multiple languages so if you want to practice French, Bahasa, Turkish or even Arabic with your multilingual child, you actually have some resources in there!

12. Muslim Kids TV has a parenting blog!

I was amazed that Muslim Kids TV has a blog and they talk about current themes, parenting challenges and how to overcome them on their blog. To give you an example check out these three resources:

  1. A free ebook to help you teach your children about Prophet Isa (A.H)
  2. Mental health activities for children
  3. A 7-step guide to help you with parenting tweens

A Video Review of Muslim Kids TV.

There are 15,000 resources on Muslim Kids TV. Here’s a video review of all the things we love about this platform.

Where to download Muslim Kids TV


Muslim Kids TV is available to be downloaded on all devices – smartphones, tablets, smart TVs or even desktop. You can look for the app on your phone or tablet with iOS or Android.

For Jeddah Mom readers, Muslim Kids TV is giving a 10% discount. Click here to sign up and avail your offer.

If you are not ready to commit yet, try it for free for 14 days! Click the banner below to sign up!

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