Bell: Poilievre kicks butt, city hall conservatives offside on housing


Poilievre promises if he’s prime minister there will be incentives from the federal government for quick construction of homes

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Well, well. First things first.

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These days the federal Conservatives under Pierre Poilievre are rockin’ in the free world.

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Poilievre and the party faithful hanging out in Quebec City are no doubt looking at the numbers with a spring in their step.

Two of the latest nosecounts. One from Abacus Data and one from Angus Reid.

In the first poll, Poilievre’s Conservatives have a 14-point lead over Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals.

The Conservatives lead in every region except Quebec, including in the Greater Toronto area.

They lead with all ages and both men and women and more folks have a positive view rather than a negative view of Poilievre.

In Angus Reid’s number-crunching, the Conservatives are up 12 points and Poilievre is seen as the best choice for prime minister by almost twice as many individuals as those choosing Trudeau.

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Speaking to Conservative members of parliament Thursday, Poilievre goes for Trudeau’s political jugular and “the dystopia that now exists in this country after eight years of his government.”

The laundry list is ticked off item by item. The rising cost of living, the interest rates, the crime, chaos, drugs and disorder.

There’s the carbon tax and the Poilievre promise to toss it in the dustbin of history.

The villain of choice this day is Steven Guilbeault, Trudeau’s green guru, the Green Jesus of Montreal.

The Conservative leader speaks of the self-styled defender of Mother Earth and his going to China, the great emitter of greenhouse gases.

Guilbeault is not on many Christmas card lists in Alberta as he and the province are locking horns over the fate of oil and natural gas.

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“He won’t be wagging his finger at the leaders in that country,” says Poilievre, of Guilbeault and China.

“He’s too busy wagging his finger at single mothers back in Canada who have to buy groceries for their kids or working-class carpenters who need a pickup truck to do their jobs.”

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault
Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault speaks at a press conference in Ottawa, on Monday, June 5, 2023. Photo by Sean Kilpatrick /The Canadian Press

Poilievre pushes balanced budgets and reining in government spending. Then there is housing. The costs of housing, rents, mortgages, down payments.

The Conservative leader believes “the Liberals have been flailing” on the housing file and many who have been paying attention agree.

Too few homes, the second slowest country in the world to deliver building permits.

Poilievre promises if he’s prime minister there will be incentives from the federal government for quick construction of homes.

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Right now, he believes, government “gatekeepers” are standing in the way.

Over to Calgary city hall and what do we have here?

Conservative MPs want Calgary city council to get out of the way.

This coming week there will be chinwagging galore at the Big Blue Playpen over what to do about more housing in the city.

The reality is a considerable number of Calgarians like things to stay exactly the way they are.

You want new housing and, especially if it’s not a single detached house you’re talking about building, take it elsewhere.

I have been to city council meetings where people who live in anything but a single detached house are viewed as just a step up from pond scum and renters, my God renters, are looked at as close to alien creatures best kept away from respectable sorts.

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Members of city council know this and some are scared to make any big moves.

Strange thing or perhaps not so strange.

The councillors holding close to doing the same-old, same-old on housing identify themselves as on the conservative side.

And those areas of the city most resistant to change are expected, as always, to vote overwhelmingly Conservative in the federal election.

Well, here is Scott Aitchison, an Ontario Conservative MP and Poilievre’s point man on housing.

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He writes an open letter to Calgary city council and wants the local politicians to “be bold.”

Aitchison speaks of the “growing divide” between those with a home, a good job and a secure retirement and those without.

A divide between those who have a home value that’s skyrocketed and those who can’t afford to buy and have lost hope.

The Conservative MP says the divide won’t close with “half-measures.”

“If you truly want to make it easier and faster to build the homes people need you must make it legal to build them.”

Here it comes …

Aitchison says over 60% of Calgary is zoned for single detached housing only.

“How can you build for the future when restrictive zoning makes it illegal to grow?”

A house under construction is shown amongst completed homes in the far northeast community of Cornerstone in Calgary on Friday, July 21, 2023.
A house under construction is shown amongst completed homes in the far northeast community of Cornerstone in Calgary on Friday, July 21, 2023. Photo by Jim Wells /Postmedia

Before anybody gets all confused, the double-digit lead in polls Poilievre and the Conservatives enjoy is not because the leader is spouting off some dog-eat-dog, I’m-all-right-Jack, survival of the fittest politics popular with some who claim to be conservatives.

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Michelle Rempel Garner, a Calgary Conservative MP, is also not mincing words.

She says it’s time to giddy up and show compassion and get serious, cut the B.S., push people out of the way who don’t care and start building.

The MP does not abbreviate B.S.

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