Letters, Sept. 8: ‘We were all better off when Trump was in power’


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Please vote for Trump! I prefer Trump’s lies over Biden’s any day because people were FAR, FAR, FAR better off when Trump was president. Only fools disagree.

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Also why do you require people’s names who sent a message when you don’t post the name of the Sun’s foolish responses.


(Believe it or not, no one wants to know our names so they can send thank-you cards. Also, not many around here can vote in the American election.)

Fed up with it

It’s becoming more and more difficult to have respect for law enforcement in Calgary these days. Some serious crimes seem to get ignored for whatever reason or get the kid-glove-treatment. If that’s not bad enough, when a dangerous criminal is on the loose, the public no longer gets a very accurate description of that person and instead get a censored version that could actually put the general public in real danger.

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(It sounds more like you have no respect for the hoop law enforcement must jump through to be politically correct, not the people themselves. We generally agree.)

Why the special treatment?

About that Saturday afternoon riot in Falconridge: What if the 150 Eritrean combatants had been members of rival biker gangs? Would Calgary’s finest still have acted as stand-ins for paramedics? Or, would they have broken up the street brawl and cuffed unruly lawbreakers on the spot?

One thing is certain: Public officials at all levels of government would not be reticent about condemning the mayhem, seething with outrage and vociferously deploring the breakdown in public order while demanding the police chief resign.

Different strokes for different folks, as they say!


(The lack of outrage from politicians is very disappointing. When good men do nothing…)

Hide and seek

Re: Bell: Calgary Riot And Where Are Our Political Leaders…

Did someone check under the bed? Most of our political leaders are probably hiding under their respective beds, shaking like bowls of jelly. This is one of several consequences for voting in weak, spineless jellyfish to represent us in the three levels of government today.


(Think they bring flashlights with them?)


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