PML-N to run govt with consultation even it gets majority: Shehbaz | Maqvi News


PML-N to run govt with consultation even it gets majority: Shehbaz | Maqvi News

Says party willing to collaborate with other parties to address national issues n Act of buying voters with money insult to electorate n Recent rains an example to contrast performance of two parties n Says corruption index showed decline in PML-N tenures.


LAHORE   –  PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif said on Sunday that his party was committed to inclusive gover­nance, willing to collaborate with other parties to address national issues, even if it secures a simple majority in the new parliament. 

Speaking at a press conference held at the party office, Shehbaz Sharif expressed optimism about receiving a clear mandate from the people to govern the country for the next five years.

Emphasizing his party’s be­lief in collective wisdom, he ex­pressed readiness to advance through consultations with other political entities. Sheh­baz Sharif also stressed that his party would honor the mandate bestowed by millions of voters who would determine the na­tion’s future through the ballot on February 8th.

Highlighting the link between instability and the lack develop­ment and prosperity, Shehbaz emphasized the necessity of political stability for economic progress. He criticized the dis­semination of baseless slogans branding others as thieves, not­ing that such rhetoric only breeds uncertainty and societal discord.

Shehbaz Sharif accused the previous PTI government of destabilizing Pakistan through baseless allegations and criti­cized the role of certain individ­uals, including the former chief justice, in hampering progress on key projects.

Responding to Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s call for a live debate, Shehbaz suggested comparing the development in Sindh and Punjab instead. The PML-N Pres­ident ridiculed the PPP Chair­man using the recent heavy rain in Karachi as an example to con­trast the performance of the two parties. According to him, the impact of the rain alone was sufficient to highlight the differ­ences in their governance.

Asserting the right of every candidate to campaign without fear, Shehbaz condemned the act of buying voters with dis­tributed money as an insult to the electorate. He was referring to PPP supporters distribut­ing money in the constituency where Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is contesting for the National As­sembly seat in Lahore.

Regarding the alleged political victimization of the PTI founder, Shehbaz remarked that the in­dividual in question previously proclaimed not to spare anyone and threatened to imprison ad­versaries, all while engaging in corrupt practices himself. In re­sponse to a question, he empha­sized that democracy does not entail pardoning individuals in­volved in unlawful activities.

Shehbaz Sharif underscored the massive support shown by the masses through rallies, dis­pelling earlier reports that the PML-N leadership was avoid­ing public appearances. 

Reflecting on his party’s past achievements during Nawaz Sharif’s tenure, Shehbaz men­tioned significant investments and infrastructure projects that benefited millions of peo­ple. In contrast, he criticized the PTI government for a per­ceived increase in corruption and mismanagement, citing ex­amples of economic losses due to policy shifts.

Shehbaz delineated the achievements of his par­ty during Nawaz Sharif’s gov­ernance tenure. He highlight­ed Pakistan’s significant influx of billions of dollars in invest­ments, marking the largest in the nation’s history, during the elder Sharif’s 2013-17 govern­ment. Despite this, Shehbaz not­ed, the corruption perception index, as measured by Trans­parency International, declined.

He mentioned that although various allegations were lev­eled against the Nawaz govern­ment, none were substantiated due to their unfounded nature. Shehbaz emphasized the posi­tive impact of PML-N projects, including motorways and mass transit systems, benefiting mil­lions of people. Contrarily, She­hbaz pointed out that during the PTI’s term in government, the corruption perception index rose. He cited instances such as allowing exports and sub­sequent imports of sugar and wheat, resulting in substantial financial losses for Pakistan.

Recalling the destruction of people-oriented services like PKLI and hepatitis centers, Shehbaz criticized the cessa­tion of free medicine supply during the PTI tenure. He refer­enced the PTI founding chair­man’s rhetoric about less cor­ruption under an honest leader, contrasting it with Transparen­cy International’s declaration of him being more corrupt.

Shehbaz labeled the PTI gov­ernment as a product of witch­craft and rigging, accusing the rival party of spreading base­less allegations to destabilize Pakistan. He highlighted the role of then Chief Justice Saqib Nisar in hindering projects like PKLI and delaying the Orange Line, while also mentioning the same judge’s declaration of the PTI chief as Sadiq and Amin [Honest and Truthful].

Citing Transparency Interna­tional’s findings, Shehbaz Shar­if reiterated that corruption consistently decreased during the rule of the Muslim League (N), contrasting sharply with the escalating corruption lev­els during Imran Khan’s tenure. Shehbaz Sharif asserted that the Lahore High Court’s extensive 300-page judgment on the Or­ange Line case failed to substan­tiate any corruption allegations, even by a penny. He remarked on the ridicule he faced despite receiving clearance from the National Crime Agency. Kawe Mousavi rejected the false and baseless allegation of transfer­ring $1 billion to Singapore.

He contended that the corrup­tion index witnessed a decline under the coalition government of 13 parties, dropping from 140 during Imran Niazi’s ten­ure to 133 during their admin­istration. Shehbaz highlight­ed accomplishments during Nawaz Sharif’s reign, such as the establishment of PKLI, the Foundation Hospital in Swat, the Children’s Hospital in Mul­tan, and the enhancement of healthcare and education infra­structure in Faisalabad, along with making Arfa a senator.

According to Shehbaz, cor­ruption surged back to 140 during the PTI era, despite promises of creating one crore jobs and building fifty lakh houses, leading to increased unemployment. He under­scored Transparency Interna­tional’s report, proclaiming that the PML-N has consistent­ly taken tangible measures to combat corruption in Pakistan.

Shehbaz Sharif lamented the exponential rise in corruption following Imran Khan’s pre­miership, as revealed by Trans­parency International’s report. He criticized the government of Imran Khan, derisively re­ferring to it as the so-called Sadiq and Amin Niazi govern­ment, labeling it the most cor­rupt administration.

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