Minor girl falls off a second floor at Wisconsin mall | Maqvi News


This still taken from a video released on March 5, 2024, shows an interior of Southridge Mall in Greendale, Wisconsin where the child fell off. — News 12
This still taken from a video released on March 5, 2024, shows an interior of Southridge Mall in Greendale, Wisconsin where the child fell off. — News 12

A 6-year-old girl fell off a second-floor escalator Tuesday before the responders tried to rescue the child at the Southridge Mall in Greendale, Wisconsin, ABC 7 reported Tuesday.

The girl’s father told the police that he heard his daughter saying: “Hey, look what I can do”. He did not notice her until she went on five to seven steps ahead.

According to the father, the girl held the elevator railing and when told her to let go, the railing started moving due to which she fell from the second to the first floor.

An eyewitness was quoted in the report saying: “Out of the side of my eye, I saw like, what looked like a coat fall off the escalator, but then I heard a big ‘slap’ noise onto the ground and then I saw parents from the side of Champs come running down the escalators.”

According to the authorities, the girl was released from the hospital and she had pain in her back and arm.

“It was kind of scary,” the witness said adding that “the first couple of nights I kept thinking about it, but it’s getting better now.”

After investigation, the report noted that it was merely an accident.

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