BSEK announces supplementary matric exam results for 2023 | Maqvi News


File photo of students attempting annual exams — PPI
File photo of students attempting annual exams — PPI

The Board of Secondary Education Karachi (BSEK) on Tuesday announced results of supplementary matric examinations 2023 of science and general groups (regular and private).

As per the board’s spokesperson, the ratio of successful candidates was 66.85%.

BSEK Chairman Dr Syed Sharf Ali Shah said a total of 11,845 candidates attended the examination.

As per details, as many as 9, 902 candidates registered for the supplementary exam in the science group of which, 9,422 candidates appeared in the examination and 438 were absent.

The passing ratio stood at 98.10%, with 6,438 successful students.

Meanwhile, 1,673 registered for the supplementary exam in the general group (regular) of which, 1,584 candidates appeared in the examination and 79 were absent.

The passing ratio of this group stood at 56.57%, with 896 successful students.

Similarly, 584 of 923 candidates in the general group (private) passed with a passing ratio of 69.61%. 

The said results can be viewed on the BSEK’s official website

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