Amazon's generative AI can create product pages based on other online listings | Maqvi News


The big picture: Amazon is making it even easier for third parties to sell products on its platform. Until recently, creating product pages on Amazon required a meaningful amount of effort with input across multiple attributes. The juice is often worth the squeeze, but it can be especially frustrating if you have already jumped through similar hoops on other sales platforms or have taken the time to set up your own e-commerce site. Now, Amazon sellers can leverage AI to help create compelling product listings with minimal effort.

Last fall, Amazon started rolling out generative AI listing tools to help sellers create compelling product pages. It started with allowing sellers to submit keywords to describe their product, and letting AI come up with titles, descriptions, and details. The e-commerce giant then took it a step further, letting sellers upload an image and having AI do the rest.

Amazon said more than 100,000 selling partners have already used at least one of its early generative AI listing tools, so it only makes sense to further build out the offering.

Now, sellers can further streamline the product listing process by supplying Amazon with a URL to an existing online product page. The company’s generative AI listing tool will then crawl the page and create a new Amazon listing based on the content of the other page. Amazon believes its latest AI-based feature will save sellers even more time so they can focus on other tasks like developing additional products.

Like other generative AI, Amazon’s is not perfect. The company encourages sellers to review all generated product details and listings before submitting them to the store.

According to Amazon, sellers are already accepting AI suggestions nearly 80 percent of the time with few edits. Compared to non-AI generated content, Amazon is seeing improvements in accuracy, clarity, and detail with AI generated product listings.

The URL-based AI listing feature is rolling out now and should be available to most sellers in the US in the coming weeks.

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