Cement despatches fall by 19.22pc in Feb | Maqvi News


Cement despatches fall by 19.22pc in Feb | Maqvi News

ISLAMABAD  –  Cement despatches declined by 19.22 percent in February 2024, as the total despatch­es were 3.259 million tons against 4.035 million tons despatched during the same month of last fiscal year.

According to the data re­leased by All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association, lo­cal cement despatches by the industry during the month of February 2024 were 2.863 mil­lion tons compared to 3.590 million tons in February 2023, showing a decline of 20.23 %. Exports despatches also de­clined by 11.02 % as the vol­umes reduced from 444,962 tons in February 2023 to 395,935 tons in February 2024.

In February 2024, North based cement mills despatched 2.433 million tons cement, showing a decline of 19.26 % against 3.014 million tons despatches in Feb­ruary 2023. South based mills despatched 826,085 tons ce­ment during February 2024 that was 19.08 % less compared to the despatches of 1.021 million tons during February 2023.

North based cement mills despatched 2.338 million tons cement in domestic markets in February 2024, showing a de­cline of 20.73% against 2.949 million tons despatches in Feb­ruary 2023. South based mills despatched 525,543 tons cement in local markets during Febru­ary 2024 that was 17.97 % less compared to the despatches of 640,645 during February 2023.

Exports from North based mills increased by 47.40 % as the quantities increased from 64,717 tons in February 2023 to 95,393 tons in February 2024. Exports from South reduced by 20.96 % to 300,542 tons in Feb­ruary 2024 from 380,245 tons during the same month last year.

During the first eight months of current fiscal year, total ce­ment despatches (domestic and exports) were 30.555 million tons that is 2.52% higher than 29.805 million tons despatched during the corresponding pe­riod of last fiscal year. Domes­tic despatches during this pe­riod were 26.059 million tons against 27.207 million tons during same period last year showing a reduction of 4.22 %. Export despatches showed healthy increase by 73.10 % as the volumes increased to 4.496 million tons during the first eight months of current fiscal year compared to 2.597 million tons exports done during same period of last fiscal year. North based Mills despatched 21.495 million tons cement domestical­ly during the first eight months of current fiscal year showing a reduction of 3.73 % than ce­ment despatches of 22.327 mil­lion tons during July-February 2023. Exports from North in­creased by 35.02 % percent to 915,449 tons during July-February 2024 compared with 678,006 tons exported during the same period last year. 

Total despatches by North based Mills reduced by 2.59 % to 22.410 million tons during first eight months of current financial year from 23.005 million tons during same period of last finan­cial year. Domestic despatches by South based Mills during July-February 2024 were 4.564 mil­lion tons showing reduction of 6.47 % over 4.880 million tons cement despatched during the same period of last fiscal year. Exports from South increased by massive 86.55 % to 3.580 mil­lion tons during July-February 2024 compared with 1.919 mil­lion tons exported during the same period last year. Total des­patches by South based Mills increased by 19.78 % to 8.145 million tons during first eight months of current financial year from 6.799 million tons during same period of last financial year. A spokesman of All Pakistan Ce­ment Manufacturers Association mentioned that industry is very hopeful that the new govern­ment will frame industry friend­ly policies and will address its grave issues on priority. We urge the new government to start pending public sector develop­ment projects to provide relief to the construction industry and hundreds of thousands of skilled and unskilled labour associated with sector, he added.

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