Punjab, Sindh assemblies elect Chief Ministers today | Maqvi News


Punjab, Sindh assemblies elect Chief Ministers today | Maqvi News

PML-N’s Maryam Nawaz to face SIC’s Rana Aftab n PPP’s Murad Ali Shah, MQM-P’s Ali Khursheedi will contest election for Sindh CM n Speakers declare nomination papers of contesting candidates correct.


LAHORE/KARACHI  –  The new Chief Ministers of the Punjab and the Sindh provinces will be elected today. The session of the Punjab Assembly will be held in Lahore today at 11:00am.

Nomination papers of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) candidate Maryam Nawaz for the slot of Punjab Chief Minister were submitted in Punjab As­sembly Secretariat on Sunday while the nomination papers of Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) can­didate Rana Aftab Ahmad Khan were also submitted. 

Punjab Assembly Secretary Chaudhary Amir Habib received the nomination papers of both candidates. After completion of the scrutiny process of the nomi­nation papers, the PA Secretary declared the papers of both the candidates correct and later Pun­jab Assembly Speaker Malik Mu­hammad Ahmad Khan announced the names of Maryam Nawaz and Rana Aftab Ahmad Khan as candi­dates for the Punjab CM slot.

Similarly, the Sindh Assembly will elect its Leader of the House on Monday (today), for which Syed Murad Ali Shah of the Paki­stan People’s Party (PPPP) and Ali Khursheedi of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan will be the contesting can­didates. Sindh Assem­bly has been in ses­sion since February 24, and on the first day, 147 members out of 168 took the oath as MPAs. As per schedule, the election for Speak­er and Deputy Speak­er was held on Sunday (February 25). Sayed Awais Qadir Shah and Anthony Naveed of the Pakistan People’s Party were elected as Speaker and Deputy Speaker, re­spectively, by securing 111 votes each. MQM-PS candidates Sofia Shah and Rashid Khan secured only 36 votes each, while nine mem­bers of the Suni Ite­had Council and one of the Jamaat-e-Islami did not take part in the vot­ing process. As many as 158 members of the provincial assembly were present in the PA session on Sunday. Of them, 147 took part in voting for the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House, while 10 mem­bers abstained. Outgo­ing Speaker Agha Sir­aj Durrani chaired the session and conduct­ed the Speaker’s elec­tion as per the Rules of the Business of the Sindh Assembly. Af­ter taking the oath as Speaker, Sayed Awais Qadir Shah took over charge of the House and chaired the ses­sion. The newly elect­ed Speaker conducted a session and supervised the process of electing the Deputy Speaker. As per the schedule of the Assembly Secretariat, the nomination papers have been submitted by interested candi­dates, and after scruti­ny, a list of contrasting candidates will be is­sued by the Assembly Secretary later in the evening. The election of the Leader of the House (Chief Minister) will be held in the Sindh As­sembly on Monday at about 11 am.

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