Letters, Feb. 10, 2024: ‘Recall Gondek petition not impossible task’ | Maqvi News


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The recall petition led by Landon Johnston is being touted as impossible. He has 100 canvassers signed up with the hopes of having 1,500 by week’s end. Even if he only gets 500 canvassers, they would only need to get 21 per day for 50 days. I hope he gets the canvassers and the required signatures. Unfortunately, I cannot sign the petition as I live in Okotoks, but the bylaws created by this mayor and city council do affect people working in and commuting to Calgary.

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(You’ve clearly crunched the numbers.)

Recall tall order

Mr. Landon Johnston is a great Calgarian. He’s the man trying to recall Jyoti Gondek’s mayoralty appointment via a public petition. Of course this will never happen. It was politicians who created the rules for this sort of recall legislation and they quite deliberately made the mountain too darn high. He would need nearly twice as many signatures as those who actually got off their duffs and physically voted in the last election, but hey, my hat’s off to him. In my humble opinion we’d be better off pushing for a new law in this country. If an individual leader’s poll numbers fall below, say 30%, for three months in a row, an election must be called. This would apply to mayors, premiers, and, yes, even prime ministers. These leaders can’t be trusted to be effective if the majority of constituents don’t support them even if they seemed so promising when they were first elected. Heck, it might even make political leaders more attuned to the people they are supposed to be representing if they knew they could be essentially fired.

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(In the meantime, we do have the option of ‘firing’ them come election time.)

Defend Alberta

As the federal NDP is proposing a ban on fossil fuel advertising, why is Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley missing in action and not speaking out against this attack on Alberta? For that matter, why haven’t any of the Alberta NDP leadership candidates spoken out against this attack on Alberta? If you haven’t noticed, our NHL hockey teams have the names ‘Oilers’ and ‘Flames,’ because Alberta’s oil industry plays a major role in the economy, culture and soul of Alberta. If you’re in Alberta politics and you are not prepared to defend Alberta, then get out of the way for someone who will!


(Oil and gas will dominate Alberta’s economy for years to come.)

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