Review: Mumbai-Bred, L.A. Artist Megan Murray in Concert | Maqvi News


Mumbai-bred singer-songwriter Megan Murray performs with her band at Lollapalooza India 2024.

When a singer-songwriter digs into her life experiences and creates songs from them, a certain poignancy sets into the listener’s experience, a little extra from the subjective lyrics. These songs should be regarded as special.

Megan Murray, a local Mumbai talent, now based and performing in the U.S., is a singer-songwriter who performed a short but emphatic set of her own songs at Lollapalooza India in Mumbai. We were invited to a preview of this concert held at a private venue and were pleasantly surprised by the content of Ms Murray’s chosen set of songs. Each song had a background story from real life and was delivered with emphasis from that particular experience.

She sang “Late Night City” referring to Mumbai — which never seems to sleep, “Worry’s Got Nothing on Me” and a few other of her own compositions. For us, the outstanding offering was “Angel on My Shoulder (Devil in My Head)” which was explained as the guiding hand of her mother when she had ‘other’ thoughts in her mind!

Throughout the set, Megan was provided a beautiful musical framework to express her thoughts in song by her band, a sextet comprising of Bradley Tellis and Vinay Lobo on guitar, Nathan Thomas on bass, Brent Tauro on keyboards, Mitchell Murray on drums and a brilliant Aria Nanji on backing vocals.

We should expect to hear more from Ms Murray in time to come.

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