US House rejects Republican bid to impeach border official Alejandro Mayorkas | Maqvi News


Partisan fighting over immigration has escalated ahead of presidential election in November

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas takes his seat to testify before a Senate Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on the departments budget request on Capitol Hill in Washington, US, May 26, 2021. — Reuters
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas takes his seat to testify before a Senate Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on the department’s budget request on Capitol Hill in Washington, US, May 26, 2021. — Reuters

The United States House of Representatives delivered a blow to Republican Speaker Mike Johnson when it voted on Tuesday against impeaching Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a 214-216 vote.

The Republican-controlled House blocked a committee’s impeachment charges against Democratic President Joe Biden’s top border official in a 214-216 vote.

Four Republicans bucked their leadership, joining Democrats in opposing the charges against President Joe Biden’s top border official, Mayorkas, a Cabinet member, Reuters reported.

Partisan fighting over immigration has escalated ahead of the presidential election in November. After the failed impeachment vote, Republicans said they would try again.

“House Republicans fully intend to bring Articles of Impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas back to the floor when we have the votes for passage,” Raj Shah, Johnson’s spokesman, said in a tweet on X.

Department of Homeland Security spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg said in a statement that House Republicans should “abandon these political games” and instead “get DHS the (border) enforcement resources we need.”

Nevertheless, far-right House Republican rhetoric remained fiery. “Everyone who voted against impeaching Mayorkas owns everything that happens as a result of our wide-open border — every rape, every murder, every drug overdose, everything,” said Representative Lauren Boebert in a social media post.

Republican Representative Mike Simpson predicted that his leaders would arrange a second vote on Mayorkas once House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who has been receiving cancer treatment, returns from sick leave.

Earlier, Senate Republicans killed a bipartisan border security deal aimed at addressing issues like illegal immigration at the southern Mexican border, despite their desire to stop Mayorkas’ efforts.

Republican senators oppose the $118 billion measure, which includes military aid for Ukraine and Israel, leading Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell to conclude the effort would fail.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer vowed to push ahead with plans for a Wednesday procedural vote on the bill, knowing it was unlikely to succeed.

Polls show that immigration has become a top concern for voters as Trump prepares for a likely November rematch with Biden.

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