Knotty One, Royal Falcon, Western Girl, and Forest Lake impress | Maqvi News


Knotty One, Royal Falcon, Western Girl and Forest Lake impressed when the horses were exercised here on Wednesday morning (Jan. 31).

Outer sand:

1000m: Empire Of Dreams (rb), Seeking The Stars (Shyam Kumar) 1-14, 800/1-0, 600/46.5. They were eased up. Grace (rb) 1-15, 800/1-2, 600/48. Easy.

1200m: Knotty Power (rb) 1-32 (1200-600) 39. Eased up.

Inner sand:

800m: Thomas Mount (rb), a 3-y-o (Ampere – Chamela Bay) (rb) 1-3, 600/48. Midnight Sparkle (rb), Single Malt (rb) 55, 600/41. Latter moved on the bit, while the former was pushed.

1000m: Gods Plan (rb) 1-15, 800/1-1, 600/47. Easy. Renegade (rb) 1-16, 800/1-1, 600/47.5. Easy. Royal Falcon (rb), Western Girl (rb) 1-10.5, 800/55, 600/40.5. They moved well and finished together. Kallipos (rb) 1-15.5, 800/1-1, 600/46.5. Moved freely. Forest Lake (rb), Autumn Shower (rb) 1-11, 800/55.5, 600/41. They stretched out well and the former finished four lengths in front. Bluemed (rb), Off Shore Breeze (rb) 1-14, 800/1-0, 600/45.5. Former finished a length in front. A 3-y-o (Quasar – Tonteria) (rb), a 2-y-o (Ivory Touch – Night Of Stars) (rb) 1-17.5, 800/1-1, 600/46. They moved freely. Ms Boss (rb) 1-17, 8001-1.5, 600/46. Easy.

1200m: Desert Star (rb) 1-34, (1200-600) 42. Eased up. Tifosi (rb) 1-29, (1200-600) 41. Eased up. Pense’e (rb) 1-30.5, (1200-600) 43. Eased up. Rays Of Sun (rb), Knotty One (rb) 1-26, 1,000/1-11, 800/57, 600/43. Latter showed out.

Gate practice (inner sand):

1000m: Royal Marquess (rb), Nightjar (Farid Ansari) 1-8.36. They jumped out well, former finished four lengths in front. A 3-y-o (Lord Admiral – Darkyila) (A.S. Peter), Glorious Evensong (rb), Romualdo (rb) 1-7.72. They took a good jump. This Is Gold (M. Bhaskar), Spectacle (S. Imran) 1-6.15. Former was a bit slow at the start, moved well and finished a length in front. Young Heart (rb), High Tribute (rb) 1-6.20. They jumped out well. Still I Rise (rb), Rhiannon (Shyam Kumar) 1-7.12. The pair took a good jump. Smiles Of Fortune (M. Bhaskar), Alexander (S. Imran) 1-6.27. They jumped out smartly. War Emblem (Shyam Kumar), Regal Kid (rb) 1-8.86. Both jumped out well. Noted on Tuesday (Jan. 30)

Outer sand:

600m: Asta (rb), Sovereign Spirit (rb) 44. They finished together.

800m: Prince Purple (rb), Eclipse Award (rb) 58.5, 600/44. They were handy.

1000m: Golden Warrior (M. Bhaskar), Ruling Star (S. Imran) 1-11, 800/56, 600/43.5. They are in fine trim.

Inner sand:

600m: Royal Exemplar (Farid Ansari), Wonderful Era (rb) 41.5. Former extended and finished two lengths in front. Bertha (M. Bhaskar) 43. Unextended. A 3-y-o (Ampere – Santa Lucia) (S. Imran), Aesthetics (M. Bhaskar) 46.5. Former finished two lengths in front.

800m: Berrettini (rb), Mutant (S. Kabdhar) 56.5, 600/42.5. They worked well.

1000m: Cavallo Volante (S. Kabdhar) 1-9, 800/56, 600/43.5. Moved well. Majestic Charmer (rb) 1-15.5, 800/1-0, 600/44.5. Easy. Lady Zeen (rb) 1-11, 800/57, 600/44. Shaped well.

Gate practice (inner sand):

1000m: Densetsu (F. Norton), Wolf Creek (rb), Zebula (P. Vikram) 1-6.40. First named jumped out smartly and finished well ahead. Constant Variable (Shyam Kumar), Ugly Truth (rb) 1-4.23. Latter missed the jump. Royal Tapestry (rb), a 3-y-o (Akeed Champion – Silver Cruise) (Inayat), a 3-y-o (Saamidd – Glebe Queen) (rb) 1-6.22. The took a good jump.

Mock race:

1200m: Conscious Keeper (N. Darshan), Despacito (Jitendra Singh), Beauty Of The Turf (Bharat Mal), Emelda (Shah Alam), Saro Superfast (Shankar Lal Harijan) and Sensations (Ritesh Gochhi) Lnk, 2 and 1/2. 1m,15.02s. Noted on Monday (Jan. 29):

Outer sand:

800m: Fun Storm (rb) 59.5, 600/45. Easy.

Inner sand:

600m: A 3-y-o (Fiero – Summer Royal) (S. Imran), Grey Wind (M. Bhaskar) 44.5 They were easy.

800m: Regal Kid (rb), War Emblem (rb) 1-1.5, 600/44.5. They moved freely. Rhiannon (rb) 58.5, 600/44. Handy.

1000m: Empire Of Dreams (Koshi Kumar), Seeking The Stars (Shyam Kumar) 1-10.5, 800/57, 600/44.5. They Shaped well. Royal Nobility (Farid Ansari) 1-4.5, 800/51.5, 600/38.5. In fine nick. Royal Treasure (rb) 1-10, 800/54.5, 600/41.5. Stretched out well. Pirate’s Love (Koshi Kumar) 1-17, 800/1-2, 600/46.5. Easy. Ms Boss (rb) 1-16.5, 800/1-2, 600/47.

1200m: Empress Eternal (rb) 1-34 (1200-600) 46. Easy.

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