Freeing Up Space On Mac: 5+ Ways – TNT Magazine


You have had your morning coffee and breakfast, freshened up, and pressed the start button on your Mac to start your day. But lo and behold, you are confronted with the “disk is almost full” message. Panic starts to bubble up as you frantically try to think of a way to get out of this situation.

It is as if your world has come to a standstill because your digital world has become a maze of downloads, mail attachments, apps, files, documents, photos, and videos. Your Mac’s storage space is quickly running out of air, and it may stop performing anytime soon. But don’t worry because this guide is here to help you declutter your digital workspace so your computer doesn’t feel so bloated.

Let’s go through the easygoing methods and steps to reclaim storage space on your system.

  • Delete the unnecessary documents

Like several other Mac users, you are probably guilty of hoarding or stashing ancient documents on your computer. You may not even remember those documents because they have been accumulating since the first day you unboxed the computer. These documents might be files from your old projects or duplicate documents that are sneakily eating away at your disk space.

Again, fret not! Simply find some time to review all the documents stored on your system and prepare to say goodbye to the ones you no longer need.

But how to delete a document on Mac? Find the documents and files you want to delete, and then press Command + Delete. Finally, clear out the Trash.

  • Send unnecessary downloads to the Trash

The Downloads folder is notorious for hiding redundant files, documents, photos, and all other items downloaded from the web. With time, this folder becomes a graveyard for forgotten downloads. It is important to tackle this folder if you wish to reclaim storage space on your Mac.

  • Avoid the desktop from becoming a digital mess

The desktop is your workspace, and it must not be used as your storage space. Sure, keeping documents and files on the desktop ensures easier access in fewer clicks. But before you know it, the desktop will turn into a digital warzone with files and documents scattered everywhere. It will become a visual clutter and hamper your productivity.

The more files and documents are stored on the desktop, the slower your computer’s performance will be. Hence, you must use the desktop sparingly and only save those files and documents that you frequently use.

Furthermore, desktop organization is key when it comes to freeing up space on your computer. Create folders and arrange the files neatly within them. While arranging and organizing the files, delete the ones that you no longer require.

  • Get rid of cookies and cache

Isn’t browsing the web fun? But web browsing means the accumulation of cookies and cached data. Web browsers store caches and cookies, so you don’t have to wait too long for websites to load a second or third time. However, huge amounts of caches and cookies can hamper your browsing experience and impact the overall performance of the system.

So, go to the browser settings and clear cookies and cache.

  • Review the list of installed applications

Perusing the Applications folder now and then is important. It helps in the identification of redundant apps that you don’t use anymore. These applications can take up a lot of space. Therefore, uninstalling them is a good option.

  • Remove unused fonts and language packs

There are so many things in your computer that you don’t need, and they are uselessly taking up valuable space. For instance, language packs and fonts.

It is unexpected, but fonts can consume a lot of precious storage space on your computer. It is critical to review the collection you have and remove the ones you don’t use. You can always re-install them later.

Similarly, review the language packs. If you regularly use one or two languages, remove the rest.

Is your Mac storage filled with videos, photos, or other media files? These are storage hogs that can take up a chunk of your Mac’s disk space. Managing media files is tricky because you may not want to lose these files.

So, what’s the option? You can organize these files by uploading them to iCloud or other cloud storage solution. You can even transfer the old media files to an external drive so they can be stored safely while not taking up space on your computer.

Additionally, it is integral to your Mac’s health to have a regular maintenance routine. Every two or three months, you must review all the files, apps, and documents on your Mac. Either remove the redundant ones or transfer them to an external drive.

How do you free up space on your Mac? Share your experience in the comments below to help fellow Mac users.


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