90+ Fascinating Information Technology Statistics for 2023


Do you know that information technology is one of the global industries with the quickest growth? It has experienced remarkable growth in past years and is anticipated to triple its current size in the next ten years. When it first began many years ago, this industry was far smaller than it is today. According to the data, the tech industry now accounts for 35% of the world market.

Knowing the basics of information technology is frequently insufficient. You should be aware of some data about this industry, and we have included enough of them in this article. So, continue reading to find out more.

tech facts and stats

Facts About Technology

1. US gross domestic product gained about $1.8 trillion from the tech sector in 2021.

2. In 2020, the second biggest industry in the US was technology, following healthcare.

3. In 2020, 55.3 million workers were tech sector workers.

4. The tech industry has seen a 209% increase in the number of employees in the last five years.

5. Experts said there would be about 245,500 new tech jobs in 2021.

6. In 2022, about 25.62 % of HR professionals recruited over 50 new developers in their organizations,

7. About 58% of white people are in IT, more than other ethnic groups.

8. Women comprise 22.7% of IT professionals, and about 77.3% are men.

9. About 10% of IT professionals in the world are LGBT.

10. The IT industry also has payment inequality, making women earn 95% of what men earn.

11. Globally, 5.31% of software developers are women, compared to 94.69% of men.

12. There are seven major IT industries worldwide.

Must Know Statistics About Information Technology

Must Know Stats About Technology

13. The largest global market share for IT in 2021 belonged to telecom.

14. 2025 saw there will be around 38.6 billion IoT devices worldwide.

15. In 2022, 5.3% growth is predicted for the technology sector.

16. The value of the worldwide IT market in 2021 was $8.3 trillion.

17. DeFi and robots are the two technologies in the tech industry that are expanding the fastest.

18. The global IT market was estimated to be worth $5.2 trillion in 2021.

19. Between 2020 and 2030, employment in the IT sector will increase by 13%.

20. There will be an additional 178,000 IT jobs in the US by the end of 2022.

21. The US will have around 585,325 technology businesses by the end of 2021.

22. There will be 5.26 billion internet users worldwide in 2022.

23. Active social media users comprised most of the 4.65 billion internet users in 2021.

24. 62% of men and 57% of women use the internet.

How Much of the US Economy Does Technology Represent?

How Much of the US Economy Does Technology Represent

1. US Gross Domestic Product Gained About $1.8 Trillion From the Tech Sector in 2021.

Records show that the tech sector brought about 9.3% of GDP to the US in 2021. This was the highest when it gave the country around $1.8 trillion. This shows that the US is one of the leading countries in tech.

2. 2020 Saw Technology Overtaking Healthcare as the Second-largest Sector in the US Economy.

You must know that the US’s healthcare sector was the biggest in 2020. Then, technology followed as number 2. This figure has, however, changed currently.

Number of People Employed in Tech Companies

Number of People Employed in Tech Companies

3. In the US, Tech Companies Employed 12.4 Million Workers in 2021.

There are many tech companies in the US. In 2020, they employed about 12.2 million people, which increased in 2021. At this time, these companies employed about 12.4 million people.

4. 55.3 Million People Were Employed in the Tech Industry in 2020.

From a global record, 55.3 million people got jobs in the tech sector. If you compare it to 2019, you will notice that it increased by 3.9%. This stat has seen more increase since 2020 until now.

5. In the Last Five Years, the Number of Employees in the Technology Sector has Increased by 209%.

The last five years have given the tech industry employment rate an uptrend. It has increased by 209% in just five years and plans to grow even more in the coming years. Many people will get the opportunities to work in the tech industry.

6. According to Experts, There Were Over 245,500 Additional Tech Employees in 2021.

According to professionals in the technology industry, there will be about 245,500 new technology jobs in 2021. The field met this prediction with a good response—more jobs than experts predicted were available.

7. About 25.62 Percent of HR Professionals Hired More Than 50 New Developers in Their Companies in 2022.

People into the development part of tech in 2022 gained as 25.62% of HR professionals hired over 50 of them. This number got even higher after that year.

Demographics Related to the Tech Sector

8. White Folks Make Up More Than Any Other Ethnic Group in IT at Roughly 58%.

The whites are more in the tech spaces than other groups, with 58%. The next is the Latinos, with about 15.2%, and Asians, with about 12.3%. Also, most companies favor whites even more than other groups in the tech space.

9. About 77.3% of IT Professionals are Men, and 22.7% are Women.

More men are IT professionals than women. Most women believe the job is too complex for them to understand. But about 22.7% of them have dared to do it. Meanwhile, 77.3% of people who work as IT professionals are men.

10. Around 10% of IT Professionals Worldwide Identify as LGBT.

It is not a myth that LGBT is becoming popular lately. Since there are more men in the field, LGBT will get promoted.

11. Payment Disparity Also Exists in the IT Sector, With Women Earning Only 95% of What Males Do.

In this tech sector, women don’t earn as much as men. However, the rate difference is not high. Employers make a woman earn 95% of what a man in her position earns. This promotes gender inequality in the workspace, but they hardly complain.

12. Globally, 5.31% of Software Developers are Women, Compared to 94.69% of Men.

About 94.69% of software developers are men, and 5.31% are women. This might mean that men are more interested in the jobs than women because developing software takes a lot of time.

The Current Biggest Technology Sectors

Current Biggest Technology Sectors

13. There are Seven Major IT Industries Worldwide.

Many technology industries have circulated the world. However, about 7 of them rank as the top in the industry. These are software, devices and infrastructure, hardware, telecom, IT and business services, telecom services, and emerging tech.

14. The Largest Global Market Share for IT in 2021 Belonged to Telecom.

The report showed that telecom had 26% of the worldwide IT market share in 2021. This was the highest percentage any other IT sector got at the time. But IT and business services became the biggest in 2022 with 29%.

15. Computer Power Reached the Top 10 Places in the Technology Sector in 2022.

Over the years, computer power has been below the mark of the top trending technologies globally, but this took a turn around in 2022.

16. In the Technology Field, Cryptocurrencies Significantly Influenced the Development and Triumphs That the Sector Saw in 2022.

Cryptocurrency is one of the seven technologies that dominate the technological sector in 2022. The other technologies were artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain technology, cloud services,5G technology, and quantum computing.

17. By 2025, the Total Number of loT Devices is Anticipated to be 38.6 Billion.

By 2025, scientists who have examined the growth rate of loT devices expect that there will be 38.6 billion devices available. This suggests that 70% of people worldwide will have access to and familiarity with loT devices.

Tech Growth Statistics

Tech Growth Statistics

18. The Two Most Rapidly Expanding Technologies in Our World Now are DeFi and Robotics.

Due to increased awareness, DeFi and robotics are the two technologies with the fastest global growth rates. The Internet of Things, cloud computing, cyber security, nanotechnology, AI, and virtual reality are all rapidly emerging technologies.

19. The Worth of the Technological Field in the Global Market in 2021 was Estimated at $5.2 Trillion.

The US market was predicted to be approximately $1.6 trillion from the $5.2 trillion total global value in 2021. This increased to $5.3 trillion the following year due to convenient installments, and it is expected to grow in value over time.

20. US Companies Spend $4.26 Trillion in 2021, With the Trend Expected to Continue in 2022.

Most American corporations with global operations will have invested over $4.26 trillion in new technological infrastructure by 2021. American businesses spent more money in 2022 to modernize their data systems and technologies.

21. Employment in the IT Sector Will Rise by 13% Between 2020 and 2030.

Professionals in the IT sector say it will hike by 13% annually from 2020 to 2030. This will amount to a huge increment by the end of 2030.

22. By the End of 2022, the US Will Have Approximately 178,000 New IT Jobs.

2022 came with hope for people working IT jobs. There were 178,000 new jobs in this sector worldwide, and many people got the opportunity to earn from the field.

23. Employers in the IT Sector Were Looking for About 3.6 Million Workers.

There were many jobs in the IT industry, to the extent that employers were searching for about 3.6 million workers. More openings will come from this field in years to come.

In the IT sector, knowledge of Java and SQL was in high demand in 2022.

Technology Use Statistics

Technology Use Statistics

How Often is Technology Used?

25. An average person spends approximately 8.6 hours daily on technological usage. People in today’s society find it difficult to carry out their daily activities without using technological devices.

What is the Percentage of Technology Used by the World Market?

26. The United States held the largest share of the IT industry in 2021, accounting for 35% of the global market.

How Many Technological Companies Exist?

27. The United States had around 585,325 companies in the technological industry by the end of 2021. According to a study conducted in the United States, approximately 585,325 technology enterprises will exist by 2021.

Internet Statistics

Internet Statistics

What Population of the World Makes Use of the Internet?

28. The Highest Internet Penetration Rate in the World Belongs to Denmark, UAE, and Ireland. They Are Expected to Remain in this Position For a Few More Years. 71% of internet users are between the age of 15 to 24. Young people use the internet more than millennials in the World.

29. Asia Has the Most Internet Users. People in Asia use the internet more than other people in the World. Over 2.8 billion people in Asia are internet users. The next is Europe, with 743.6 million internet users.

What is the Daily Average Internet Usage?

30. For nearly 3 hours and 43 minutes, many individuals use their smartphones to access the internet. This is considerably superior to the hours they spend on other internet-connected gadgets.

31. In 2022, the average person would spend approximately 6 hours and 58 minutes online daily. You Should Be Aware That The Majority Of These Individuals Were On The Internet For Various Reasons.

How Many People Use Social Media?

32. Males from 20 to 29 used social media more in 2022. Other Males devote most of their time to activities other than social media.

How do People Access the Internet?

33. Smartphones are used by around 92.1% of the world’s population to access the internet. The remaining 7.9% of people access the internet through other smart devices.

Statistics Virtual Reality

Statistics Virtual Reality

What is the Rate of Virtual and Augmented Reality Growth?

34. The analyst expects the Virtual and Augmented Segment to grow between 2018 and 2023 At a CAGR of 1774%.

35. The Virtual, Augmented, and MR Markets globally in 2022 witnessed a rise in value to over $30.7 billion.

36. The global VR, MR, and AR Market experienced a rise in market value in 2020 to reach $28.2 billion.

37. Due to the current growth in technology, there has been an increase in VR, AR, and MR, which is expected to be at $165.3 billion by 2027.

38. According to research, the CAGR will record a growth rate of 15% between 2022 and 2030.

39. Shipments of Virtual Reality were 20.5 million, while the headset shipments of augmented reality stood at 9 million in 2021. Below is a table showing the virtual and augmented reality shipments between 2019 and 2023.

Year VR Shipments AR shipments
2023 (predictions) 36.7 million 31.9 million
2022 (predictions) 30 million 19.5 million
2021 20.5 million 9 million
2020 12.5 million 2.5 million
2019 7 million 0.6 million

What are the Adoption Predictions for Virtual and Augmented Reality?

40. By the end of 2022, 29.7% of internet users were using automated reality in the United States.

41. There will be an increase in the percentage of virtual and Automated Reality adoption by 35.5% at the end of 2025.

How Many People Make Use of Virtual and Automated Reality?

42. There were 93.3 million automated reality users and virtual users in 2021, 58.9 million.

43. Due to the rate of growth currently happening in the sector, there will be 110.1 million automated realities, and virtual reality users are expected to be 65.9 million by 2023.

44. Globally, more than 16.44 million virtual reality base units were installed and used in 2021.

45. Within 2021 alone, people naught 6.1 units of virtual reality units globally.

Machine and AI Technological Learning Statistics

Machine and AI Technological

How Fast is the Growth of the Machine Learning Industry?

46. The CAGR of the machine learning industry has been estimated to grow at a rate of 38.8%.

What is the Projected Revenue to be Generated by Machine and AI Learning?

47. The industry for machine learning was evaluated to be worth $15.44 billion in 2021 and was expected to have a value of $21.17 billion at the end of 2022.

48. According to the predictions made by machine learning on its market size, it should reach $209.91 billion by the end of 2029.

49. Analysts valued the global artificial intelligence industry in 2021 at over $ 328.34 billion.

What Predictions Have Been Made About AI and Machine Learning?

50. The use of Artificial Intelligence as the technological mainstream in operations was projected to be adopted by 86% of United States companies in 2021.

51. Corporations across the globe invested the sum of $94 billion in 2021 in artificial intelligence programs.

E-Commerce Statistics

E-Commerce Statistics

How Fast is the Rate of Growth in the E-Commerce Industry?

52. The retail rate of sales in global e-commerce in 2021 increased by 3% from its previous 15% in 2019 due to much awareness created in the market.

53. The E-commerce industry has been uprising in recent times and stands at the rate of 22% in the global market.

54. During the previous year, commerce experienced a growth in market size to $3.3 trillion, which is projected to keep increasing.

55. When the sales rate reaches 27%, the market size is expected to reach $5.4 trillion globally in 2026.

What Percentage Does Online Sales Represent in the Retail Market?

56. Globally, retail sales made up 20% of total sales, which was realized from e-commerce in 2021. This represents an 18% increase from 2020 and 13.6% of that generated in 2019.

57. E-commerce recorded 11.8% of generated sales through retail marketing products and services.

58. The sales of books, musicals, and videos by e-commerce between 2022 and 2023 impacted 69.1% of total retail sales.

59. Consumer and computer electronics segment made e-commerce sales, accounting for 53.2% of retail sales.

Shopping Methods except E-Commerce

60. Online retail in 2021 experienced an increase in the growth rate to reach about $5 trillion of generated sales over the period in review.

61. The analyst expects sales to reach $7 trillion by 2025 by looking at the current wave of sales increase globally.

62. E-commerce sales in 2020 stood at $4.28 trillion due to the hike in purchase activities.

63. Purchase over the counter in a physical store is undertaken by 40% of product consumers, while only 27% purchase through an online store.

64. For North American Gen Z customers, about 81% of consumers preferred buying products from a physical store.

65. According to research, 73% of consumers like finding new products in stores, while 65% of customers go for products sampled in-store.

66. Consumers usually buy well-packaged goods, but online and in-store retailers produce the same sales result.

67. Research has proven that retail physical stores produce 18% of sales, whereas online display of products brings 19% of revenue.

68. About 55% of people shopping online will view a product to check if it is available at a physical store to make a purchase.

69. Amazingly, 53% of shoppers view products in-store and purchase online.

Adoption Technology Rates

Adoption Technology Rates

What is the Fastest Adoption Technology Rate?

70. In today’s world, crypto is the fastest adopted technology, with an 80% growth in user rate each year.

What is the Rate of Technological Advancement?

71. The technological industry has been experiencing an advancement at an annual rate of 5 to 6%, estimated to have a value of over $5.3 trillion in 2022.

72. Globally, 91.6% of big fortune companies increasingly invest in big data and artificial intelligence.

73. According to research, 2.5 quintillion bytes are created daily due to the high demand for data services, and every second, 1.7 megabytes are being collected from users globally.

74. Moore’s Law Transistor Stated that the Microprocessor Transistor Capacity of 2,300 in 1971 Increased to 19.2 Billion in 2017.

How Long Does it Take for the Adoption of a New Technology?

75. Subscriptions using mobile phones have increased greatly between 2000 and 2020. Subscriptions increased to 106 for every 100 persons.

76. Research shows that the usage of smartphones globally experienced an even greater increase of 81% from what it was in 2019.

What Are Companies Saying About the Adoption of a New Technology?

77. Technology-inclined companies most likely carry out the pursuit of a digitally transformed society. The spending on this ideology of digital transformation is projected to reach $2.8 trillion by 2025.

Evolving Tech Statistics

Evolving Tech Statistics

How Fast Has the Evolving Technology Industry Grown?

78. Technology is constantly evolving as discoveries are made and is estimated to grow 104% between 2018 and 2023

79. Artificial intelligence is the fastest-growing technology in today’s society, with global spending reaching $57 billion in 2022.

What Are the Key Sectors in An Evolving Technology?

The key sectors in an emerging technology are as follows: 

  • Internet things.
  • 5G.
  • Blockchain.
  • AR/VR.
  • Biometrics.
  • Edge Computing.
  • Robotics.
  • Quantum computing.
  • Artificial Intelligence.

Organizations in the European Union have projected that 15% of the total budget on information technology will be channeled into new technological advancement in 2021.

Emerging Technological Estimates

80. According to predictions, over half of the global population will know about the Internet behaviors program at the end of 2025.

81. Consumers purchasing behaviors are made possible using loT, behavioral science, and data analysis according to studies conducted by loB.

82. There is a 55% increase in the number of companies actively participating in the investment of artificial intelligence, with budgets being increased from $500 thousand to $ 5 million.

Mobile Technology Statistics

Mobile Technology Statistics

83. The mobile industry sold smartphones worth $457.18 billion. Based on popular demand, this feat was achieved in 2021, when there were massive sales of over 1.43 billion smartphones. There is no specification of the exact brand of smartphones, but the figure is collective. Notably, the difference between the total number of sales in 2020 and 2021 is roughly around 800 million.

86. Compared to $972 for overseas users, the monthly fees for US Phone-On-A-Plans total $972 annually.

87. Businesses spend $652 on mobile technology per person, with larger companies having higher spending.

Crypto Statistics

stats on cryptocurrency

88. According to a data study, the $1.54 billion cryptocurrency market is expected to hit $2.3 billion by 2028 with a 6.9% CAGR.

89. Individuals in the cryptocurrency community hold 10.2% of cryptocurrencies, and token payments are gaining popularity.

90. Men between the ages of 25 and 34 make up the majority of cryptocurrency users, with youth and millennials outnumbering women in the space.

91. 60% of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency ever, is owned by users worldwide, demonstrating its great worth and pique interest in the crypto community.


The field of information technology has been expanding and has room to go further. It has benefited several businesses and organizations worldwide and will continue to do so. Due to this, a lot of businesses all over the world have made investments in this industry. In the upcoming years, they intend to invest more money to support the expansion of their company.


What technology is growing in 2023?

What are the new evolving technological trends in 2023?

What technology will be in high demand in the future?



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