This Is Why You Should Never Make Your Bed First Thing


If there’s one thing that makes us feel like adults, it’s having nicely made beds first thing in the morning. Pillows plumped, blanket placed over and if you’re feeling extra fancy, some throw pillows for show. Bit much for me but you do you.

It’s also something that’s drilled into us from a young age and tends to be a marker for discipline and good behaviour in teens.

However, according to one sleep expert, making your bed first thing could actually be harmful to your health.

Making your bed too soon can trigger allergies and asthma

According to Martin Seeley, CEO and sleep expert at MattressNextDay, hurrying to flip those sheets can trigger dust mites saying, “Contrary to popular belief, an unmade bed is less susceptible to dust mites, those tiny creatures that can trigger a range of health issues, including asthma and allergies.”

He added that unventilated bedding, caused by making your bed first thing, can create an environment that leads to higher concentrations of dust mites and their allergic proteins.

This is because dust mites thrive in moisture and given that the average person sweats 500ml per night according to Seeley, this is the perfect breeding ground for dust mites first thing.

Instead, Seeley recommends leaving your bed unmade for the first 30 minutes of the day, ideally in sunlight can reduce potential health risks and given that an estimated 10% of humans are allergic to dust mites, you may as well get into the habit of it.

Seeley added, “Many studies have revealed that the best room temperature for sleep is approximately 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 degrees Celsius), which interestingly, is also the optimal temperature for dust mites to grow.

“With the current period being one where dust mites increase due to higher humidity levels in summer, it’s crucial to allow your bed to breathe in the next couple of months until late winter when humidity levels decrease.”

Don’t make the bed. Gotcha. Don’t have to tell me twice.


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